It reminds me of the Brendan Fraser movie Blast from the Past.
Here’s the link, but here are some high-lights from the website:
- What is really amazing is what sits below ground. Under the 1900 sq ft house is a 4 level deep (45 ft under the house) handmade bomb shelter/extra living space that is another 1400+sqft with hundreds sqft of more passages and secret areas.
- The Snyder family purchased the home in 1976. Soon after the husband, Dr. Kenley Sndyer began working on a childhood dream…to build a bomb shelter for his family. So he jackhammered the garage floor and dug…dug…dug…dug for over 15 years!!!
- If the fortress was dug by an excavator and the concrete poured by a cement truck, it would be still very impressive, but the thought that someone hand dug with a shovel, pick axe, and other tools; and that he used an electric hand cement mixer makes it even more amazing.
- Purchase Price: $595,000
can we say “p a r a n o i a” ????
It looks like a normal house in a normal neighborhood. I didn’t read the whole deal but I wonder why he’s selling. Is he no longer paranoid?