Your Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, January 21, 2025

  • Yup, Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan had a little get-together and posted this photo and, I guess, teasing a When Harry Met Sally Super Bowl commercial. She’s 63, he’s 76. I didn’t realize they were that far apart in age.
    • “It’s finally happening, we’re reuniting for something iconic. Can’t wait to show you all soon,” Ryan captioned the joint post.
  • Allegedly, Twitter is full of bots that defend Jerry Jones.
  • Everyone familiar with the Terminator franchise felt uneasy reading this and immediately thought of Skynet.
    • Trump said the investment will create a new company, called Stargate, to grow artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States. The leaders of SoftBank, OpenAI and Oracle stood alongside Trump during the announcement. Their respective companies will invest $100 billion in total for the project to start, with plans to pour up to $500 billion into Stargate in the coming years. 
    • My initial thought is that this is a very good thing for the United States to set itself up as the AI leader. AI is the next big thing. However, the potential of AI scares me, and this comes from a guy who has numerous paid subscriptions to AI services. Not to mention, I don’t have a lot of faith in the Trump administration to manage something like this.
    • I thought only U.S. companies would be involved, but SoftBank is a Japanese company.
    • MGX is also a big player and another foreign company.
      • It was reported in June that the UAE, with roughly $2 trillion in sovereign wealth funds, aims to reduce its dependence on oil by establishing itself as a world center for AI. This goal led to the creation of MGX.
    • The article says the first data center will be in Texas. Curious, I researched, thinking it would probably be Austin, near Elon’s home. DFW is home to a lot of data centers, or maybe one of the other major cities like Houston or San Antonio. Nope. The first data center will be in Abilene. The data center in Abilene, Texas, is being constructed within the Lancium Clean Compute Campus, which spans approximately 800 acres northwest and just outside the city limits. That creates enormous opportunities for their three universities: ACU, Hardin-Simmons, and McMurry. I’m thinking that having internship possibilities at the data center would be a huge recruiting tool for college students interested in a technology career.
  • These Texas pastors believe God sent Trump to save America from sin
  • Today is Norah O’Donnell’s as anchor of the CBS Evening News, which is my preferred network because I like most of their correspondents. Thank goodness. She’s equal parts histrionic and egotistical. I’m looking forward to John Dickerson, who’s dry but he is full of substance. He really knows his stuff. But he’s sharing the duties with Maurice DuBois who I don’t know much about but feel he’s a bit posh. But I will give O’Donnell credit for moving the headquarters from NYC to DC since that’s where most of the news is made and the people in power are.
  • For some reason, I started to research jobs in meteorology. I’ve noticed several people have used it as a second career, and those on television are just a tiny segment of the job market. However, per (PDF):
    • The number of new, traditional, entry-level positions has not been increasing along with the number of meteorologists entering the workforce, nor is it expected to in the next few years. Trends suggest there will be an increasing oversupply of meteorology graduates in the coming years, and that some meteorologists will have a difficult time finding a traditional weather-related job.
  • I reflected on the JFK: What the Doctors Saw (2023) documentary I watched during the winter break about the doctors at Parkland Hospital who worked on the slain president and the priest who administered the last rights. Hearing news of the event, Father Oscar Huber and a few others drove to the hospital since Parkland was in his parish. They were stopped by officials twice but waved by when they said they were clergy and told where to park, where he was led straight to the ER. He walked in and uncovered the white sheet over President Kennedy’s face, giving him the last rights. When Jackie asked the priest about the last rights, he told her he had given conditional absolution, causing her to grimace. Conditional absolution is a form of last rites given when a priest is unsure if the recipient is still alive but administers the sacrament in case the soul can benefit from it. Jackie felt conditional absolution underscored the tragic and chaotic circumstances of his death, and above all, he was obviously dead. He attempted to console Jackie, assuring her that her husband’s spirit had not yet left his body. I later read in an interview (JFK Library PDF) that he leaned into the thought that the spirit lingers in the body for a bit after physical death but is not sure for how long, so in his view, he couldn’t be sure the president was dead despite the head wound, blood everywhere, and brain matter on the floor. Outside—and despite Secret Service warnings to keep quiet—Huber became among the first unofficial sources to reveal that JFK had indeed died. Though Huber denied it afterward, Time Magazine’s Hugh Sidey reported Huber responding, “He’s dead all right” to a question about the president’s condition.
  • Just an ordinary day in Australia.


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Your Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, January 21, 2025

  • I listened to a 10-minute podcast focused on four habits as soon you wake up to start your day to get you started for the day and help set you up for success. I found them to be insightful and like that it’s simple. So I thought I’d share:
    • A deep breath sends a signal to the brain that all is well. The best way to do this is to breathe in with the nostrils to the point your diaphragm is full, then exhale twice as long as the breath you took in. So, if your inhale took four seconds, exhale through your nostrils for eight seconds.
    • One thought of gratitude. Start with one thing and focus intensely on it.
    • Create one intention, an action to carry out in the future. Use your imagination to see yourself doing something successful that day. Pick a word that describes how you want to be, and then focus on yourself acting on that one word.
    • Be present. Get out of bed and take a moment to just be where you body is. Your mind and body are in the same place at the same time. Don’t think about the past or the future. Just line up your mind on the present.
  • If you’ve integrated ChatGPT into your life as I have, here is a fun prompt to try, “Based on our interactions so far, what fictional character do I share the most personality traits with?” Apparently, I’m like Ted Lasso.

  • I think he knew exactly what he was doing, but just being a troll and not an actual Nazi.

  • Florida already using ‘Gulf of America’ in official documents
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Your Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, January 21, 2025

  • It was odd for President Trump to take the oath without putting his hand on that stack of Bibles his wife was holding. The night before, Lee Greenwood stated in an interview that it might be a special inaugural edition of the Trump Bible that was being sold. Can you imagine how much Conservatives would flip out if a Democrat did that?
    But I thought The Onion had a good take on it.
  • It was a good thing Melania Trump wore that hat to keep the sun out of her eyes inside the Rotunda of the Capitol. Madam First Lady, you do you. The outfit you wore at your husband’s first inauguration was exquisite. That outfit yesterday was a costume. Ivanka Trump’s daughter, Arabella Kushner, wore an impressive outfit. I mean this as a compliment: if her outfit were white it would look like something Princess Leia or Padmé Amidala would wear. Of course, Senator Fetterman was an embarrassment.

  • When I checked the White House’s webpage at noon Eastern, it started with a video welcoming back President Trump.
  • Elon Musk Is on Track to Become a Trillionaire in Two Years
    • As the wealth of the world’s richest people accelerates at a faster pace than previously predicted, the global charity expects to see at least five trillionaires within a decade.
  • Half the College Football Championship audience in the stands wore a noticeable green that neither team wore on the field. Notre Dame is funny like that.
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Your Bag of Randomness for Monday, January 20, 2025

  • I love the way, at the end of the Bills vs Ravens game, Lamar Jackson immediately ran to Josh Allen and congratulated him with a warm smile.
  • Surely, all of America is rooting for a repeat of Super Bowl XXVI, with Washington playing Buffalo. If you’re not, that simply means you hate freedom, democracy, puppies, kittens, and affordable prescription medicine for senior citizens.
  • I mention this memory during every inauguration. I felt sick at school and my father came and got me. It just happened to be inauguration day. Surely it was Bush’s, but I think it was Clinton’s for some reason. Anywho, I’ve made it a tradition to watch everyone since. When Dubya was sworn in, I started a tradition of taking a screen print of the White House’s website at 11:59 Eastern and then at noon Eastern to see the updated website. One year, the incoming president wasn’t sworn in until a few minutes after noon, and his administration’s website went up right after he said the oath.
  • On March 4, 1925, nearly 100 years ago, President Calvin Coolidge was inaugurated for a second time. Coolidge’s inauguration was the first broadcast live on the radio, with 22.8 million listeners.
  • In a lot of ways, I hope President Trump proves me wrong on a lot of things. While I wish him the best, as with all presidents, I want him or her to be held accountable and faithful to the Constitution. I don’t feel like Trump did that in his first term. While liberals aren’t happy, there seems to be better acceptance of things than in his first terms. Going into his first term, there were so many unknowns about how he would handle things and what he would do. Now, we as a country are used to him and expect a certain amount of “chaos.” Again, I fear he won’t uphold the Constitution, going as far as working things out so that he serves a third term. Again, I hope he proves me wrong, or Father Time will have a role to play. One thing is for sure, he’s reshaping America, and the world better gets used to a new style of American exceptionalism.
  • I do like the tradition of President Reagan started, leaving a note on the desk in the Oval Office for the incoming president. I thought President Trump ended the tradition, but I have found sources that say that he did indeed leave a letter for Biden. However, President Biden is in the unique position of writing a letter — if he so chooses — to Trump, his successor and the predecessor who left a note for him. This will mark the first time that a president who has received a letter from an outgoing president may well be writing a letter to the same person who’s the incoming president. Other presidents have written a letter to their successor, but it wasn’t always delivered on inauguration day or sentimental. Jefferson’s inauguration was on March 4, 1801, and John Adams wrote him the following letter about two weeks prior and didn’t attend his inauguration:
  • I wonder if most people know actor James Tolken for Top Gun or the Back to the Future movies. I’m going to go with Top Gun because his character is commonly quoted, for instance:
    – Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash.
    – And if you screw up just this much, you’ll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog s*** out of Hong Kong.
    – Bulls*** ten minutes. This thing will be over in two minutes. Get on it.I mention him because I was surprised he was still alive at 93 years of age. He recently “recreated” a Back to the Future scene with Michael J. Fox.

  • And since I’m talking about Top Gun actors who are now in their nineties, I might as well mention that Tom Skillet, who played Viper, is still kicking and is actually an Air Force vet who served in Austin. He now helps veterans returning home after their military service.
  • The quack doctor who treated President Garfield after he was shot was Doctor Willard Bliss. “Doctor” was his birth name, so I guess he’s technically Dr. Doctor Willard Bliss. Not only did he treat Garfield’s wounds with unsterilized fingers and instruments after the shooting, but he decided to feed the President rectally when he lost his appetite. I’m serious. It was also a technique used by the CIA.
  • The Girls Gone Bible girls were trending because of their opening prayer at the pre-inauguration Trump rally. Here’s a segment, but their full seven minutes here.

  • The greatest invention of all time has often been credited to the wheel, but this guy makes a strong argument for string in this short video.
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