If local golf talent Jordan Spieth is the next great thing in golf, then no other tournament benefits the most than the local Byron Nelson.
Another child meets Jesus in Heaven after an accident, and another book is published with a planned movie. But I think she totally one-upped the other kids who have books written about their after death heavenly experiences. She claims to have sat on Jesus’ lap. #scoreboard This girl is actually a local product from Burleson, and local pastor TD Jakes will produce the film.
I’ve had two separate white women in their seventies recently compliment me on our children and then state that the world is a much worse place than what it was when they were a child. I guess that’s a matter of perspective, we no longer have separate water fountains, bus seating arrangements, or schools for different races, and Americans with disabilities are able to access things more easily. I get their point, but I don’t think it’s as bad as they think it is. I mean, dude, come one, we now high-definition in our homes, Wi-Fi, and “Brawndo’s got electrolytes.”
We use Irish Spring soap because it’s the cheapest at Costco, but I’m not sure if it’s a gender specific product. I certainly don’t mind WifeGeeding using it, it makes me think of what Bono might smell like.
Thanks to loyal reader Bryan, I now know the story behind the missing longhorns at the Rangers’ ballpark. But this sentence is a bit confusing to me, it sounds like the original stone longhorns were supposed to last only two years, surely they should last longer than that – Rob Barnes, president and CEO of Dee Brown, said the old longhorns reached their expected lifespan after two years.
I miss my beard and my second chin isn’t use to all this sunshine.
Problems with posting again? This didn't show up for me until after 2 p.m. (Not griping, just an observation)
That sandwich guide is impressive. I love, love, LOVE sandwiches, to the point that my wife won't ask me where I want to go eat, because it's either a sandwich shop or Taco Bueno. So thanks for the sandwich-link overload today!
I could spend an hour discussing your last link, but I'll leave it at this: the smartest people are opting out of law school because they really are the smartest.
Thanks for the heads up, Ben. I’ll have to monitor this again. I had someone post before 7:00 AM, but I’m not sure if they came to BoN directly or found the post updated via RSS.
Problems with posting again? This didn't show up for me until after 2 p.m. (Not griping, just an observation)
That sandwich guide is impressive. I love, love, LOVE sandwiches, to the point that my wife won't ask me where I want to go eat, because it's either a sandwich shop or Taco Bueno. So thanks for the sandwich-link overload today!
I could spend an hour discussing your last link, but I'll leave it at this: the smartest people are opting out of law school because they really are the smartest.
Thanks for the heads up, Ben. I’ll have to monitor this again. I had someone post before 7:00 AM, but I’m not sure if they came to BoN directly or found the post updated via RSS.
FWIW, I don't use RSS, I just visit the site directly.
Are you writing this blog on an empty stomach?
I like money.