31-year-old Elizabeth Holmes [Wikipedia]
She made her wealth basically because she had a fear of needles and found a way to perform blood test with just a simple prick of the finger, which if you ask me, hurts more than drawing blood.
Like Steve Jobs, she basically only wears black turtlenecks. Like Bill Gates, she dropped out of a prestigious college (for him, Harvard, for her, Stanford) to start a business and change the world.
Hello, friendly neighborhood type 1 diabetic here. I did the math recently, and since I check my blood sugar an average of 5 times a day via finger stick, that means I have pricked my fingers to draw blood over 40,000 times. I assure you, finger sticks hurt less than blood draws. Here's the key – don't prick your finger right in the middle of your pad. Prick it around the edges. Way less nerves there. Of course, after 40k+ sticks, I've got callouses, so I have to use a higher needle depth than you would, and I still feel it every single time, but I promise that's the key to minimizing discomfort.