He Does It For His Mom
With his mom being legally blind, @JRGraham013 wears stirrups so she can tell him apart on the field. #MNTwins pic.twitter.com/GYi7WggIFZ — Dustin Morse (@morsecode) April 13, 2015
With his mom being legally blind, @JRGraham013 wears stirrups so she can tell him apart on the field. #MNTwins pic.twitter.com/GYi7WggIFZ — Dustin Morse (@morsecode) April 13, 2015
Jimmy hosts a game of Family Feud with Avengers cast members Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner.
I spent the weekend in Abilene with my closest childhood and college friends, and even though it’s cliche, it’s so interesting to see how much they’ve changed and how much they have stayed the same, and that goes for me … Continue reading