What’s Forgivable Billboards

An example of one of four billboards in the St Louis area:


So what is it all about:

Everyone thinks about it. Everyone decides. What’s forgivable? What’s not?

For instance, is cheating on your girlfriend forgivable? I mean, it’s not like she’s your wife, right? So would that mean cheating on your spouse is unforgivable?

What about lying? Is lying to your boss forgivable, if he’s a jerk? So then what about lying to your best friend? Would that be unforgivable then?

What about things like being a hypocrite? Suicide? Abandonment? Ripping people off? Genocide? Terrorism? Lust?…You get the idea.

Exactly how does forgiveness work? Who set the rules? The church seems to sure have a lot to say about it. But are they right?

Starting Sunday, September 13 at Jefferson Hills Church, we’re taking a look at what God really has to say about what’s forgivable and what’s not. If all of us have to stand before Him one day and give an account for our lives, then His opinion matters most.

So go ahead. Start talking about. At work. Over lunch break. On the commute. In your school. At your church. With family and friends. Even with complete strangers. Talk about it. What’s forgivable? What’s not?

Then come join us at Jefferson Hills Church starting September 13th. Come all five weeks. Just come for the topics that concern you the most.


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One Response to What’s Forgivable Billboards

  1. lori says:

    Could you please supply an answer for those of us who can't attend your services? Someone I love is dying of cancer, and says there's no way he can be forgiven for what he has done.I wanted to tell him about this website, but this is just a tease to advertise one church. There's no answer. Is that in itself the answer: that no one can actually answer that question? If so, then I'm basically ready to die right now with him.

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