Ticked Off Tuesday

It’s another edition of Ticked Off Tuesday, so tell me something that is currently ticking you off.

I’ll start . . . It ticks me off when I’m weed-eating and I run out of line, only to find that I don’t have any replacement line, and I have no one to blame but myself.


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9 Responses to Ticked Off Tuesday

  1. hmmm…. what has ticked me off today…..(you see I get ticked off often). I know! People who go out shopping in the middle of the day wearing their pajamas. Not only are they rubbing in my face that they do not have a job, but that they are also extra comfy while I am wearing heals and slacks. Not Fair!

  2. dan says:

    Drivers travelling well below the flow of traffic because they’re ON THE PHONE;

    Teenagers sagging their pants;

    People who create an obstacle course by leaving their shopping carts all over the supermarket parking lot; and

    Activist moms who immediately notify the media outlets that they are taking on the local school board because one of their little darlings is in trouble at school.

  3. When I need to pop my back but cant

  4. PulpFiction says:

    It ticks me off when you are listening to the radio and just before they break for a commercial they tell you what the next songs will be when they return. When they come back they play a different song than what they previously said. Its bait and switch I tell ya.

  5. jonathan says:

    I hate getting in my car, and catching my favorite radio station go to commercial break! That sucks!

  6. petri dish says:

    When the post man gives me dirty looks and drops mean comments about our beat-up mail box. Yes, I know it's banged up but we haven't had the time or money to change it out and how is this bothering him? It isn't his mail or mail box. And the mail doesn't get rained on or dirty and I pick it up every single day. Direct your anger towards the punks who hit it with a baseball bat. I don't get my mail till after 4pm so I'm not really worried about what he thinks. Maybe I am. Venting, finished.

  7. petri dish says:

    and I LOVE Ticked Off Tuesday. It's free, and pretty much harmless, therapy. 🙂

  8. chris o says:

    when the neighbors dogs attack my horses on a regular basis,,,,nothing gets done about it after calls to SO,,,,but then she calls and has the SO come out because my dogs are barking at my OWN horses. Beach from he77 she is.

    The other neighbort across, calls SO about my dogs chasing HIS cats off of my property. Jerk from he77,,,,,too. None of his cats have ever had a shot to protect them from rabbies. I hate MN,,,,I want to come back to Texas where people actually don't play eighth grade BS. This is country people,,,get a friggin' grip!

    God Love us all,

  9. David Bryant says:

    When BON goes on vacation…

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