The NY Times does a feature on local pastor Kenneth Copeland

Believers Invest in the Gospel of Getting Rich


FORT WORTH — Onstage before thousands of believers weighed down by debt and economic insecurity, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their all-star lineup of “prosperity gospel” preachers delighted the crowd with anecdotes about the luxurious lives they had attained by following the Word of God.

Private airplanes and boats. A motorcycle sent by an anonymous supporter. Vacations in Hawaii and cruises in Alaska. Designer handbags. A ring of emeralds and diamonds.

“God knows where the money is, and he knows how to get the money to you,” preached Mrs. Copeland, dressed in a crisp pants ensemble like those worn by C.E.O.’s.

Even in an economic downturn, preachers in the “prosperity gospel” movement are drawing sizable, adoring audiences. Their message — that if you have sufficient faith in God and the Bible and donate generously, God will multiply your offerings a hundredfold — is reassuring to many in hard times.

Full NY Times Article

You know, I haven’t seen anyone wear shoes like those in a while.


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7 Responses to The NY Times does a feature on local pastor Kenneth Copeland

  1. Noevadeaux says:

    He's obviously a spiritual gangster.

  2. Chris says:

    I HATE the prosperity gospel.

  3. Buddy Patton says:

    And you wonder why people don't want to listen when you witness at them. ( just another peeve, they seem to witness at you not to you.)

  4. House of R and R says:


  5. dan says:

    How beat down are these poor people that they can reason that the Creator of the whole universe would then decree that they should give what little money they possess to some creature prancing around on a stage wearing fancy two-tone shoes??

  6. Shawn Wilson says:

    ARG!! He drives me crazy. He says that God made him rich though I think it was his oil companies that helped a little………..of course maybe God helped him get those, i don't know.

  7. John says:

    Acts 4: 34-37 (read ) this was all directed by the Holy Spirit. Believers sold and gave because of love for one another and in obedience to the word of our Lord Jesus Christ because they believed Him. Notice the proceeds were laid at the feet of the apostles and they distributed to the needs of the people. It was not done so that they would become rich but because their brothers were suffering lack. It is quit opposite to what these prosperity preachers have done to their listeners. They have used people for merchandise and used for their own ambitions and lust for the riches of this world in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not let your hearts be deceived by them perverting what our Lord had taught us.

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