Stupid Sports Illustrated Typo

I’ve mentioned how it annoys me when my last name is misspelled or mispronounced, because I don’t think it’s that hard of a name.  But I can’t tell what annoys me more, when my first name is misspelled or my last name?

I was reading Peter King’s MMQB yesterday and on the sidebar I saw this:


Hmmmmmm, maybe there is someone out there that does have the name Keith, but it’s spelled differently?  Maybe I’m the one at fault here for being annoyed seeing the name spelled IE instead of EI, even when KEITH is used as a last name?

So I decided to click on the story to see if it was indeed misspelled, and what do you know . . . I found a typo on


I’ve never liked the name Keith.  It’s too often misspelled and it’s rather dull.  Heck, the dullness of the name was even the point of a joke in the animation movie Hoodwinked.  I think my parents told me it was a toss-up between Keith and Simon, but they didn’t like the idea that Simon had the nickname Si.

Maybe I should just go by my middle name, and people can just call me Walt.  Or maybe something simple, like Earl, Bob, or Joe, or Joe-Bob.

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4 Responses to Stupid Sports Illustrated Typo

  1. Sharon says:

    I like the name Keith, it can't be shortned. I like Joseph (not Joe), Robert (not bob), etc.
    My name is Sharon and I can't tell you how many times people have called me "Shar (Cher)."

  2. MamaToots says:

    Earl? I think of "poor Earl"
    Bob? That's taken!
    Joe? Perhaps, but rather common.
    Joe Bob? PERFECT………….if you live in East Texas.

  3. jonathan says:

    Can I call you T-Bone?

  4. David Bryant says:

    Saluga's shtick as Ray J. Johnson is to become annoyed when addressed as "Mr. Johnson", exclaiming in a loud voice, "My name is Raymond J. Johnson, Jr. Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junie, or you can call me Ray J, or you can call me RJ, or you can call me RJJ, or you can call me RJJ Jr." ultimately ending with, "but you doesn't hasta call me Johnson!"

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