I was multi-tasking and had just hung up from someone whom I have ALWAYS mentally thought, "What a dick" every time I have ever had to communicate/work with them.
Now I will forever associate them with "Dick In A Geek>"
Thank you so very much for making certain my next conversation with them will be rife with hilarity.
I was surprised, with the odd letters, my anagram name came out so normal.
No doubt, Dick In The Geek is among the funniest, ever.
Freudian slip? Don't you mean "Dig In The Geek"?
Ruh roh! I'm scared of myself now. SKUNK MEDDLESOME NECROMANIA
You have no idea!
I was multi-tasking and had just hung up from someone whom I have ALWAYS mentally thought, "What a dick" every time I have ever had to communicate/work with them.
Now I will forever associate them with "Dick In A Geek>"
Thank you so very much for making certain my next conversation with them will be rife with hilarity.
Mine came out "I'm Senior Rat", how sad.
I'm an Agile Design….or Inane As Niggled.
Chris' name is "Good! Lush Archpriest" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hub Satan Ant….. that can't be good…
When I enter it with my middle name, I don't care for the results. When I put in just my first and last name, the results are okay.
Jeer Apron Fine Pimp – the first two words don't make sense but I'll take the last two as a compliment