Bag of Randomness


  • My sources tell me that the Cowboys blue star in the middle of the field and the Ring of Honor will appear for the first regular season game at the new stadium.
  • I was trying to find an excuse to drive by the new stadium on Saturday so that WifeGeeding could check it out, so I decided to take her to one of my favorite restaurants in that area, Portifino Ristorante.  I remember eating there as a kid and being really impressed, eating there as an adult and still being impressed, and eating there with WifeGeeding and still loving it.  There’s so much construction going on in Arlington that it’s hard to really get your sense of direction, and it took me a while to find Lincoln Square.  One problem, the restaurant has gone out of business.
  • But at least we drove around the new stadium.  WifeGeeding was very impressed.  We both had to take into consideration that the field is actually below ground level, to the outside of the stadium is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • While leaving Arlington we were on one of the service roads where a homeless looking man and his limping dog were walking by.  The dog looked at though he was kit by a car.  It was an absolutely heartbreaking scene.
  • When I see stuff like that, I always say a silent prayer for them, if that makes any sense.  But I’m always left wanting to do something more.
  • WifeGeeding and I also spend time furniture shopping, where I saw a new Dallas Cowboy shopping with his mother.  At one point the mother got upset at her son and said, “Why the hell do you want to buy something like that?”
  • While using the restroom at that furniture place, I heard a little boy run into the restroom and dash into a stall panting and making all those noises that goes with trying to hold it in.  He started to wrestle getting his pants off whispering, “Come on . . . come on . . .” and then you could hear his mother outside yelling, “Are you OK mijo?”  The kid let out one heck of a sigh of relief, and then yelled back at his mom in a real frustrated way, “YES MOM.  Now go away!”
  • If you don’t know the meaning of mijo, then you probably aren’t from Texas or had any Hispanic friends.
  • We ended up buying some furniture from Rick Stacey, because if you aren’t burying from him, you are burning money.
  • At least you local folks will get that last reference.
  • A friend told me he was at a party where BagOfNothing was actually part of a conversation.
  • I have a friend that had a on-again off-again on-again and off-again relationship with the same girl.  Heck, he even saved up for a wedding ring.  But after the last break up he made it official by going to Best Buy and buying the best home theater system he could by with those engagement ring funds.  As much as I hate to hear about lost love to such a great guy, I couldn’t help but say BRAVO.
  • I haven’t worn socks in over a week, it’s been nothing but sandals as of late.
  • I have to admit I’m the kind of guy that really don’t pay attention to the lyrics of songs.  Well, that kind of changed when I discovered U2, but my pastor has been doing a series of sermons on which he examines popular songs with a Christian perspective.  This week it was Five For Fighting’s 100 Years. I always like the tune, but after exploring the lyrics, I discovered it really is a beautiful song.  Here’s the song with the lyrics on YouTube if you are interested.
  • After church we went to Wal-Mart where I saw a black man my age with his toddler daughter loading up groceries in his car.  He was about finished, and I remember how a commenter on this blog mentioned how hard it is for mothers to put carts up with a child in tow, so I figured I would offer to take his cart back.  You should have seen the look of joy, thankfulness, and relief on his face when I asked him, and we engaged in some very small chit-chat.  It’s funny how just a little thing can brighten a total stranger’s day.
  • That guy looked like one of the contestants on Michael Irvin’s show that was on Spike, the short bald guy that made it to the final four.
  • While walking down the cereal isle, I noticed how the Wal-Mart brands were now next to the original brands.  I thought they were always on the bottom level.
  • I remember taking a marketing class and it was stated that kids cereals are located towards the bottom so they are at their eye level.  The intent is to grab their attention and have them beg mommy and daddy.
  • Other than a few Neighborhood Wal-Marts, I think all Wal-Marts are now Super Wal-Marts.
  • I had an ex-coworker that use to get mad at me when I said Super Wal-Mart.  She stated that wasn’t the name of the store, that the name was Wal-Mart Super Center.
  • I bought a gallon of Killz paint at Wal-Mart.  I didn’t know you can get them in different colors now, and they are suppose to go on with one coat.
  • I finished my Secret Service book over the weekend, which means it read it in a week.  For me, that’s and accomplishment.
  • It’s the first day of school for WifeGeeding.  It’s always an interesting day, with first time parents dropping their kids off for the first time.  Most of the time, parents have a hard time letting go and crying, because their little one is growing up.
  • Heck, I remember my dad taking me to school for my first day of kindergarten, and my mother crying because her littlest was taking on his next stage of life.
  • In case you wondered what Buddy Ryan is doing these days click here.
  • The White House Twitter feed made a reference towards “more cowbell” yesterday which made me chuckle.
  • Possible the last bacon post ever: 100 Ways to Use a Strip of Bacon
  • Grace
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