Random Lost Thoughts

  • Sayid and Ben have creepy voices, imagine them reading a book to children.
  • At the beginning of the episode I thought that was Charlie in the afterlife . . . but it turns out to be Jacob.  It’s nice to be a face to a name.  Looks like a loop hole was found by The Man in Black, being that he had to get someone else to do the killing.
  • Maybe The Man in Black is also somehow Smokey that takes over peoples bodies like Christian Shepherd, Alex, Yemi, and Locke.
  • Remember when Ben went to be judged a little while back . . . you never saw Locke and Smokey together.
  • Remember in the first season when Locke was teaching Walt the game of backgammon and referenced the white and black game pieces . . . great foreshadow.
  • I think we’ll learn the Man in Black is named Esau.
  • I wonder if Jacob is suppose to represent Jesus.  In that opening scene he was wearing white, and caught and ate a fish which made me think of some biblical references.  Then he is stabbed willingly and kicked into the fire – like a sacrifice.  Not to mention, in each on of the flashbacks he did something very Jesus related.
  • No Desmond in the episode, and there were also other notable absences.
  • It finally hit me why in previous seasons we saw people wear protective clothing outside of the hatch . . . to protect them from radiation.
  • Speaking of radiation, I wonder if that made Faraday a super-genius.
  • And I wonder if that radiation somehow caused Ben’s tumor from way back when.
  • New Kids on the Block lunch box . . . that was funny.
  • I think I actually met Jacob back in college – well, he did seem everywhere, didn’t he?  Also, the man doesn’t age just like someone else on the show.
  • And the guy sure is touch-feeley. Did you catch that, he touched everyone in all those flashbacks (yes, even Hugo – and I liked what he told Hugo about his gift being a blessing), and we will discover that touch meant something – that they won’t die.
  • But he wasn’t in Juliet’s flashback.
  • Kate’s hydrogen-bomb line on the sub was laaaaaaaaame.  That’s the worst acting I’ve seen in quite a while.
  • Miles yelling out “DAD!” was touching.  Might have been the only time in his life he called someone that.
  • That line said to childSawy, about what’s done is done and not being able to change anything . . .  I have a feeling we’ll see Sawyer have to make a choice regarding changing something regarding the timeline.
  • To hear Jack say not to give up on Locke when he was talking to Richard was a big moment in the series.
  • So Eloise was a leader, and so was Widmore.
  • Eloise is one tough mama.
  • I bet Sayid was hoping that “I’m carrying a nuclear device” line would go farther than what it did.
  • Good to see Vincent again.  And it’s nice to know that Bernard and Rose are enjoying retirement, and we’ll find they are the Adam and Eve skeletons discovered in a previous season.
  • I never thought Jacob’s cabin would be destroyed.  But I bet it was never Jacob’s cabin . . . it belonged to the Man in Black.
  • Juliet changing her mind reminds me of many moments of my marriage.
  • Richard and Locke being able to push that stone wall was a bit far fetched, but then again, so is the whole show.
  • Ben’s stabbing of Jacob sure was girlie.  But Jacob seemed like he was willing to be killed.
  • Where’s Claire in all of this?
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