From the Baptist General Convention of Texas
Dear Bible Drill Leaders and Participants,
Like most of you, we have been very concerned about the increasing reports of Swine Flu affecting many people throughout Texas, our nation and even worldwide. News reports today informed us that upon the recommendation of the Texas Department of Health, and in consultation with the Texas Education Agency, Texas University Interscholastic League (UIL) has suspended all sporting events until May 11.
Due to the extreme health concerns that this creates for all people in Texas, but especially our children and youth, we have made the decision to postpone the State Final for Bible Drill and Speakers’ Tournament due to be hosted at the BGCT Baptist Building in Dallas, this Friday and Saturday, May 1 ‐2.
We are tentatively rescheduling the State Final for Friday and Saturday, May 15 – 16, again hosted at the Baptist Building in Dallas.
Please go to the BGCT web site ‐ ‐ for updates regarding further information. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call the BGCT toll free number 888.244.9400.
Phil Miller
Director, Bible Study/Discipleship
If I wrote the momo it would be something like: Due to what we know will be a pitifully poor turn out related to irrational fears propagated by an irresopnsible media and power hungry federal government we regret…
ha, memo!