Asthma/Allergy Doctor Visit

  • Two weeks ago I had my first ever asthma attack which resulted in today’s doctors visit.  I am now battling a case of bronchitis and that skewed the results of some of my breathing tests.
  • The waiting room had a section that was for adults only (insert joke here); however, a jr high kid was sitting in the area.  Either he’s a rebel or he thinks highly of himself. 
  • I was very impressed with the doctor as he was very thorough and actually personable.  He even asked me if I had any hobbies, and I said blogging.  My answer intrigued him as he asked what exactly is blogging and why would anyone ever visit my website.  I told him a little bit about BON and answered a few more questions about content and traffic.  He added, “That many people find your life intriguing?”  That made me laugh.  He asked if this this visit was going to make the blog, and I mentioned that it would because I took a picture of his brand new exam room that looks straight out of the 60’s.
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One Response to Asthma/Allergy Doctor Visit

  1. sistergeeding says:


    you were the one that gave me bronchitis…

    is that why you’ve been calling it an upper-respiratory thing around me?…


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