CLEMSON, S.C. — Nearly $50,000 has been raised so far to help Clemson freshman Ray Ray McElrathbey raise his 11-year-old brother, Fahmarr, with contributions from across the country, including an NBA player and REM’s manager.
Jenny Sullivan of First Citizen’s Bank of Clemson, where the trust fund was established, said along with the higher profile donors have come a grade-school girl stapling her $1 allowance to a contribution from her mother.
McElrathbey took custody of Fahmarr this summer because of their mother’s continuing drug problem. The elder McElrathbey said he wanted his younger brother near him and not returned to foster care.
The McElrathbeys share an off-campus apartment and live off Ray Ray’s scholarship funds and what he can pick up cutting grass or doing other odd jobs, the elder McElrathbey has said.