Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, June 8, 2022

  • That’s a fancy-looking Taco Bell.
  • Last night was trivia night, and I splurged and drank a Coke with my meal. I only intended to drink one, to save on calories and such, but the waitress kept bringing me refills before asking if I wanted one. Then, if I don’t drink it, or at least some of it, I feel guilty.
  • Yesterday, BoyGeeding asked if I’d go outside to the backyard with him. I said sure and then watch him kick the soccer ball around. I asked him if I could play with him or if we could do something together, and he said, “Nah, I just wanted you out here with me.”
  • DaughterGeeding asked if I’d be willing to take her to Oklahoma City to watch the NCAA Women’s College World Series tonight or the next two days. The matchup looks great, two rivals, Oklahoma Sooners and Texas Longhorns, will play the best of three. I think OU will be favored since Texas wasn’t even ranked or seeded
  • During the school year, when my kids are scheduled to stay the night with me, they keep their overnight stuff in their mother’s vehicle. She leaves the vehicle unlocked and we retrieve the items after school. I thought I’d offer an olive branch of sorts, so I left a book for her in the vehicle. That was about three or four weeks ago, but yesterday morning I got a call from the police. The detective informed me they pulled video from the school security camera of me opening the door and placing the book inside as my son gathered his stuff. That’s considered unlawful entry. As of now, no one is pressing charges, but that option remains available for two years. I learned something new and used the opportunity to talk to the detective about what is and isn’t lawful. If I placed it under her windshield wiper or on the hood, I would have been fine. If I had my son, who was right next to me, open the door and place it inside, that’s legal. However, if the window was down, placing the book on the seat would be unlawful entry. This doesn’t factor in the equation at all, and irony isn’t the right word, but there’s a bit of weirdness in that I once bought the vehicle and used to maintain and drive it. But the best lesson I learned is not to offer any olive branches or do anything nice. The emphasis is now on protecting myself and hoping I don’t make a mistake for the next eight years until our boy graduates.
  • When I was last pulled over for speeding, the police officer was covered in tattoos and it just seemed weird to interact with someone like that, but I suppose I should be more accepting of some folks – Cincinnati officer reassigned over ‘pure evil’ tattoo, later fired for insubordination, failure of good behavior
  • Perhaps it’s a good thing Arizona doesn’t have any ocean front property – Arizona police placed on leave after watching man drown 
  • The last Wolverine movie showcased what autonomous 18-wheelers would be like. I don’t know why I haven’t even considered cargo ships, seems like a great testing ground area – Autonomous cargo ship completes first ever transoceanic voyage
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