Bag of Randomness for Thursday, April 28, 2016


  •  I bought one of those Echo units from Amazon. The kids love it, but WifeGeeding things it’s a bit too much technology and that maybe it’s out to get her. The Echo uses a voice that goes by Alexa and I think that voice reminds her in the BBC/AMC television series “Humans”.
  • On my day off, I took the kids to school and then worked out and started finish and start another house project. It was then off to get my weekly allergy shot. Since I have to go to a steel supplier in Richardson to get a lengthy flat bar, I decided to eat at Haystack Burgers and Barley. I just should have more food in my stomach before I partake of my favorite beverage there.
  • Dallas Morning News‏ – D/FW Airport serves as backdrop for Ellen Degeneres’ Travel Channel series
  • Nothing is more disturbing than having ‘serial child molester’ and ‘Speaker of the House’ in the same sentence.” Judge Thomas Durkin during Former House speaker Dennis Hastert sentencing
  • Former House Leader Tom DeLay asked leniency for Hastert, “So I know his heart and have seen it up close and personal.  We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn’t deserve what he is going through. I ask that you consider the man that is before you and give him leniency where you can.
  • I wonder if a letter from DeLay helped or hurt things.
  • Dyson’s first beauty product is a hair dryer – Four years in development, the company spent $71 million (and took four years) to make its hair dryer, with the sort of specifications and research backstory of a car. The press release explains the 600 prototypes , over 100 patents pending, and a cast of 103 engineers that worked on it. It helps to explain the price ($400), but even salon-level hair dryers hover around the $300 mark.
  • DeWalt — yes, the drill maker — gets into the mobile business with rugged MD501 smartphone
  • GIF – 1920s Battleship Smoke Curtain. Here’s a detailed YouTube video about it.
  • 12-year-old accidentally finishes half marathon – She thought she was in the 5K line.
  • Take a look inside Cowboys’ future ‘war room’ (more like Star Wars) in new Frisco facility


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5 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Thursday, April 28, 2016

  1. Abrian Stemmet says:

    Will you do a video review of the Echo unit?

  2. Ben W. says:

    That chart is a mess to try to read. And it appears to have at least one section that's not labeled (between "poisoned" and "stabbed and poisoned"). Maybe a vertical bar graph would work better.

  3. ALEC says:

    Would Tom Delay want that child molester around his Grandchildren?

  4. Triple Fake says:

    The Bar's Wheel of Misfortune & Woe is misleading. Those labels merely explain why the characters aren't in the story any more. Disappeared? Not a cause of death. Pursued by bear and drops dead aren't either. To be baked into a pie before death, one would need an extremely large oven, pie pan, and willingness to die in that manner.
    Interesting, though. Wonder what the knife control lobby had to say about all those stabbings

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