I cleaned my cluttered desk this weekend and not only found $54 but a Best Buy gift card, which to my surprise, had over $200 on it. The funny part is, I have no idea how I got the card.
I saw a news report that stated the new Avengers movie had the second largest box office opening ever, with the largest being the first Avengers movie. Some analysts say this sequel would have beat the original if not for the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight.
Speaking of that fight, and this comes from someone who knows nothing about boxing, I hear Mayweather isn’t so much a good fighter but one who knows the scoring system and does things to impress judges rather than trying to knock out his opponent.
We attend a church located in Irving, and you could feel the 3.2 earthquake which happened during our, and I’m sure, many other local pastors’ sermons. Finally they all can say they delivered a message that shook the earth.
Wearing a Suit Makes People Think Differently – Formalwear elicits feelings of power, which change some mental processes. – When I was in high school I use to wear dress pants, a dress shirt, and a tie on days I had a big test. A few of my classmates asked why I was so dressed up and I’d tell them “Dress For Success”, this brings me good luck on a test. After passing several tests with flying colors, I started to see other classmates dress up as well on test days. This also reminded me of a group project I was a part of in a business class. Our presentation was to be over business or business-casual attire for the workplace. Half of the group was to be in a suit/jacket and tie and the other half khakis and a polo. The presentation was supposed to be a free flowing discussion amongst the whole group, but the casually dressed folks were quiet the entire time.
Right out of college I wanted to be in a profession in which I had to wear a suit every day, but after a while I felt it was kinda pointless to spend so much money/time/effort for something you can do just as easily if you are comfortably dressed, especially if there isn’t’ any client or customer interaction. Working at Southwest just reinforced that position as I could wear shorts and flip-flops to work, and, of course, working from home does that as well. It would be hard for me to accept a new job that required business dress attire. Heck, I might even sacrifice five grand in salary to not have to dress professionally every day. Nowadays when I see a man in a suit, my first thought is that they are either on the high end of the pay or professional scale (lawyers, executives, etc) or the low end working some kind of customer service job.
Christian Post – An online fundraising campaign asking for $30,000 to cover the costs for the funeral of Crystal Cathedral founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller has been created by his daughter, who wants to use a portion of the funds to start a legacy website to honor her late-father. – He died a little over a month ago, and I know funerals are expensive, but this doesn’t sit well with me.
Last night’s ’60 Minutes’ had a segment over the Scottish Island of Islay and its premium single-malt scotch whiskies. What made it interesting was that it was an unfinished piece of the late Bob Simon. Two things stood out, one was this quote from one distillery worker, “I just thank God that he chose the Scots and gave them whisky ’cause we appreciate the gift and we look after it.” The other was how much the locals wave to each other, especially in passing while driving. This reminded me of almost all small Texas towns, an experience I miss and cherish.
‘Mad Men’ thought – I wonder if that’s the last we see of Joan, and all those old office scenes really have a finale feeling.
‘Game of Thrones’ thoughts – 1.) S is gonna get real next week, last night’s ending just made me crave more 2.) Jon Snow just needs to keep away from red heads.
‘Silicon Valley’ had a ‘Star Blazers‘ reference last night that I immediately recognized but I have a feeling only a handful of their viewers actually picked up. Gosh, I loved that battleship. Here’s the best article ever written about the cartoon and the ship. And what’s great is that you can basically watch all the episodes on YouTube.
Reuters – A south Florida man is suing a hospital for emotional distress, saying his leg was amputated and thrown in the garbage with his name tag still on it.
Mad Men was tough to watch last night. The gutted SC&P offices really drove home what was happening, and served as a reflection of the different characters being stripped of their status and importance. Of course, this was most evident for Joan, but each of the characters experienced it – Roger realizing what he had actually done, Peggy not even having an office (and being seen as a secretary), and even Don being fed the same "take things up a notch" line and becoming just a face in the crowd. Heck, even he realized his power to spin a compelling yarn wasn't all that special, because even the research analyst was doing that to start his pitch to the ad men. It's sad to think that, not only are we losing these characters in a couple of weeks, but they're clearly losing as well.
I wear a suit every day, even though our office has a business-casual policy. I do this for two reasons: (1) I feel like I should wear a suit, but more importantly, (2) it's easier – I don't have to think about matching anything other than a tie to my suit, and I have all of those arranged by color anyway. So instead of having to think about it in the morning, I just put on a white shirt, put on whatever suit is next in the rotation, and grab a tie that matches. It's really just a matter of convenience for me at this point. Plus, you never know when you might have to make an appearance for an emergency hearing, and it's easier to just be wearing a suit already than to keep a spare at the office or go back home to change before going to court.
Really touching piece by Conan. I remember Late Night had just started and not a lot of stations carried it, but Dallas did. Then I got a job in Refugio and Corpus didn't carry it. I had to turn the antenna and pull in a grainy station from San Antonio to watch, but it was worth it.
I always thought it was weird how DFW, unlike most of the nation, didn’t air Late Night until midnight. We had the half hour of ‘Love Connection’ right between ‘Tonight’ and ‘Late Night’.
If "Silicon Valley" is throwing out the Star Blazers references, I might have to break down and watch. I too was one of the many in our generation that ran home after school (literally) to turn on the GREATEST AFTERSCHOOL TELEVISION SHOW EVER. [Sorry, Battle of the Planets and Speed Racer. 2nd and 3rd are nothing to sneeze at.] My sister and cousin and I loved this show. I have turned my young sons on to it and they have watched it on Youtube. And somewhere, in a box, gathering dust, might be a very old cassette tape that a Young Honcho would use to record audio from the latest episode so he could take to school and play for other kids at recess.
It was a real subtle reference. I think all the gang was in the kitchen and Erlich was in the living room griping how his VHS copy of Star Blazers was out of its box or out of order.
Mad Men was tough to watch last night. The gutted SC&P offices really drove home what was happening, and served as a reflection of the different characters being stripped of their status and importance. Of course, this was most evident for Joan, but each of the characters experienced it – Roger realizing what he had actually done, Peggy not even having an office (and being seen as a secretary), and even Don being fed the same "take things up a notch" line and becoming just a face in the crowd. Heck, even he realized his power to spin a compelling yarn wasn't all that special, because even the research analyst was doing that to start his pitch to the ad men. It's sad to think that, not only are we losing these characters in a couple of weeks, but they're clearly losing as well.
I wear a suit every day, even though our office has a business-casual policy. I do this for two reasons: (1) I feel like I should wear a suit, but more importantly, (2) it's easier – I don't have to think about matching anything other than a tie to my suit, and I have all of those arranged by color anyway. So instead of having to think about it in the morning, I just put on a white shirt, put on whatever suit is next in the rotation, and grab a tie that matches. It's really just a matter of convenience for me at this point. Plus, you never know when you might have to make an appearance for an emergency hearing, and it's easier to just be wearing a suit already than to keep a spare at the office or go back home to change before going to court.
Really touching piece by Conan. I remember Late Night had just started and not a lot of stations carried it, but Dallas did. Then I got a job in Refugio and Corpus didn't carry it. I had to turn the antenna and pull in a grainy station from San Antonio to watch, but it was worth it.
We'll miss you Dave!
I always thought it was weird how DFW, unlike most of the nation, didn’t air Late Night until midnight. We had the half hour of ‘Love Connection’ right between ‘Tonight’ and ‘Late Night’.
If "Silicon Valley" is throwing out the Star Blazers references, I might have to break down and watch. I too was one of the many in our generation that ran home after school (literally) to turn on the GREATEST AFTERSCHOOL TELEVISION SHOW EVER. [Sorry, Battle of the Planets and Speed Racer. 2nd and 3rd are nothing to sneeze at.] My sister and cousin and I loved this show. I have turned my young sons on to it and they have watched it on Youtube. And somewhere, in a box, gathering dust, might be a very old cassette tape that a Young Honcho would use to record audio from the latest episode so he could take to school and play for other kids at recess.
PS – Great Cartoon today.
It was a real subtle reference. I think all the gang was in the kitchen and Erlich was in the living room griping how his VHS copy of Star Blazers was out of its box or out of order.
"This reminded me of almost all small Texas towns, an experience I miss and cherish."
Unless you're in a truck, the Texas Hi Sign is basically dead.
I loved Star Blazers.