Yesterday WifeGeeding accepted a teaching position at our kids’ preschool for the next school year and my manager called to inform me of a raise (albeit, it’s just a merit increase), so we decided to quickly find a sitter and celebrate at her favorite steak house, III Forks. Unfortunately, I’m still recovering from my stomach bug and paid the price afterwards.
I wonder if those controversial Bud Light bottles will become a collectable and what they’ll be worth in twenty years. I also wonder if that last sentence, as well as this one, should end with a question mark.
The perfect website to look for an adjective that starts with a specified letter –
If I were to guess, I’d say less than 5% of new church buildings built this century have an organ.
Last night’s ‘Daily Show’ interviewed sure felt tense, it reminded me of what the late Tim Russert was capable of. I bet it was the most serious and tense interview in the history of the show.
It looks like Bono has gone blond, and I don’t think that’s a good thing.
HBO is shooting a tour documentary.
The tour has sold 98 percent of the 1.2 million available tickets for its 68 concerts
For each city there were suppose to be two concerts, one night and the next, with two different experiences, but that has been modified – The initial idea was to work up two entirely different concerts, but U2 worried about leaving out staples or having fans think they’d gotten the second-best show. As of last week, it planned instead to have a relatively fixed first half and a varying second one — separated, for the first time on a U2 tour, by an intermission.
Stage description – Running nearly the length of the coliseum floor was U2’s triple platform: a large rectangular stage (a strip of which could light up as “I” for Innocence), a smaller round stage (“e” for experience) and, between them, a walkway that’s wide enough to become a third stage, sometimes sandwiched between LED video screens.
They are using the ceiling for their sound system – The tour’s most striking innovation isn’t immediately obvious. U2 has moved its sound system to arena ceilings: an oval of 12 speaker arrays that sends the music downward evenly everywhere in the arena.
The first half of the concert, before the intermission, is supposed to create a cloud of division and make you feel a bit down, but – The second half of the concert breaks down the divide and, true to U2’s past, promises healing and love. “When we undo that division, we’ve got to really glue them together,” Bono said.
Using the phrase "I wonder" makes the sentence an indirect direct question, and thus it requires a period. Change "I wonder if" to "Will," and you'll need a question mark, since that would be a direct question.
If you're talking built-in pipe organs (or other similarly large organs), I'd guess that you're correct. If you expand the definition to include organs like the Hammond B3 and C3 (which you should), I'd venture to say you're wrong. The B3 and C3 are staples of black gospel music and are in every church that can afford one. And if they can't, there is a keyboard that can mimic one. Here's an example:
And it's not just in African-American congregations – I'm a white guy and our (Pentecostal) churches growing up always had them. In fact, I played the B3/C3 for about 10 years as part of the church band.
Last night may have been Jon Stewart's finest hour as an interviewer. I want to say journalist, but he would be the first to say he's not one. Judith Miller needed to be held to task for what she was responsible for instead of getting softball promotional interviews on FOX, Limbaugh and the like. Stewart's questions were focused and well thought. Miller was constantly backpeddling and trying to shift the story away from herself.
That was extremely tense and Stewart definitely did his homework. Stewart has always taken the position that journalists were derelict in not piercing through all of the misinformation the Bush Administration was "leaking" to the media to support the decision to go to war. I believe Stewart once said one of his biggest regrets was not going after Rumsfeld harder when he was a guest on the show selling his book explaining why we went to war.
Miller has been under attack for years for her NYT's stories taking the Administration's position on the need to go to war. The Times may have let her go over this.
She appeared to be very aware of the fact that Stewart was going to unload on her. Especially when he allotted half the show to his interview of her.
I cannot see the new Daily Show host, Trevor Noah, being able to pull anything like this off. I hope we don't end up with another Larry Wilmore show.
You guys are making me regret not sticking with The Daily Show last night. I rarely watch the interviews on TDS unless it's someone I'm really interested in hearing from because 1) they're so short, even for a talk show, that they seldom contain any substance and 2) as a result, Stewart is a pretty shallow interviewer. But, when he's on, he's really on and I bet that was interesting.
Thanks for posting the U2 material. I would have never seen it otherwise. My wife and I are seeing them in NYC in July and I'm glad to hear that they've adjusted the show format. We struggled with which show to see because of the rumored format and I went with the 2nd of the 8 shows (was 2nd out of 4 when we purchased) thinking that the second show might have the better material. Nonetheless, I can't wait for July 19 to get here.
Using the phrase "I wonder" makes the sentence an indirect direct question, and thus it requires a period. Change "I wonder if" to "Will," and you'll need a question mark, since that would be a direct question.
If you're talking built-in pipe organs (or other similarly large organs), I'd guess that you're correct. If you expand the definition to include organs like the Hammond B3 and C3 (which you should), I'd venture to say you're wrong. The B3 and C3 are staples of black gospel music and are in every church that can afford one. And if they can't, there is a keyboard that can mimic one. Here's an example:
And it's not just in African-American congregations – I'm a white guy and our (Pentecostal) churches growing up always had them. In fact, I played the B3/C3 for about 10 years as part of the church band.
Last night may have been Jon Stewart's finest hour as an interviewer. I want to say journalist, but he would be the first to say he's not one. Judith Miller needed to be held to task for what she was responsible for instead of getting softball promotional interviews on FOX, Limbaugh and the like. Stewart's questions were focused and well thought. Miller was constantly backpeddling and trying to shift the story away from herself.
Last Night's Daily Show Interview:
That was extremely tense and Stewart definitely did his homework. Stewart has always taken the position that journalists were derelict in not piercing through all of the misinformation the Bush Administration was "leaking" to the media to support the decision to go to war. I believe Stewart once said one of his biggest regrets was not going after Rumsfeld harder when he was a guest on the show selling his book explaining why we went to war.
Miller has been under attack for years for her NYT's stories taking the Administration's position on the need to go to war. The Times may have let her go over this.
She appeared to be very aware of the fact that Stewart was going to unload on her. Especially when he allotted half the show to his interview of her.
I cannot see the new Daily Show host, Trevor Noah, being able to pull anything like this off. I hope we don't end up with another Larry Wilmore show.
You guys are making me regret not sticking with The Daily Show last night. I rarely watch the interviews on TDS unless it's someone I'm really interested in hearing from because 1) they're so short, even for a talk show, that they seldom contain any substance and 2) as a result, Stewart is a pretty shallow interviewer. But, when he's on, he's really on and I bet that was interesting.
Thanks for posting the U2 material. I would have never seen it otherwise. My wife and I are seeing them in NYC in July and I'm glad to hear that they've adjusted the show format. We struggled with which show to see because of the rumored format and I went with the 2nd of the 8 shows (was 2nd out of 4 when we purchased) thinking that the second show might have the better material. Nonetheless, I can't wait for July 19 to get here.