I love fried chicken. I love waffles. However, I don’t get the appeal of eating fried chicken and waffles as a meal.
I’ve returned a particular neighbor’s dog that has escaped her dwelling at least four times in the past two years. Each and every time I return to the house, it’s the lady of the house that answers the door, but yesterday when I returned the dog (yet again), it was the man of the house that came to the door. It turns out he was the guy that found his lost boa constrictor roaming near our community playground I posted about a few weeks ago. Now I know why that dog keeps on escaping, he wants to get away from that boa constrictor.
One of my college roommates kept getting mass emails from our university and he finally decided that it was just too much and used the unsubscribe link provided in their message. Later in the week he received an email from someone in alumni relations stating they recognized he wanted to be dropped from mass emails, so they will now forward him the mass emails individually and then proceeded to do so to notify him of an upcoming event.
Google’s new wireless phones service is called Project Fi, and you can request an early invite here. Here’s the skinny on it – Fi comes with one plan at one price, Google says. For $20 a month, subscribers get the basics: talk, text, Wi-Fi tethering and international coverage. It’s $10 per gigabyte of data after that for cellular data while in the U.S. and abroad. The plan refunds any data you don’t use. USA Today
I think the two biggest drawbacks of Project Fi is that is’ relying on bad network coverage from Sprint and T-Mobile and you are limited to just one phone, the Nexus 6.
These interactive maps will break down your county in terms of education, age, income, race and ethnicity, income and housing, as well as a few other areas.
Gizmodo has an article with video clips about MLB’s new Statcast feature being implemented into televised games. I think this sentence best sums it up – It tracks data on every play, and crunches the numbers into fast analytics presented in easy to read graphics for the viewer at home.
This article from Mashable is about five months old, but I thought some of you might find it interesting – Your state’s favorite word to use in online dating – People in Texas used “oil”, New Yorkers preferred “museum”, Floridians like “Disney”, and the good people in Tennessee used “porch”.
Here’s PolitiFact’s latest scorecard on how well CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News got their facts straight. Or as they put it – the accuracy of claims made on the major cable networks by pundits, hosts and other non-elected officials.
I’ve written about the abundance of breastaurants in the area, like Hooters, Twin Peaks, Tilted Kilt, Bikinis, etc. Well, a gay version will open next month in Dallas and it will be named Tallywakers. If you ever wanted to buy that LiberallyLean.com guy the perfect gift certificate, here’s your chance.
A pregnant mother of three was a manager at a Texas Popeye’s and robbed at gunpoint. She states she was fired because she refused to pay back money that was stolen during a robbery, that she broke policy by leaving too much cash in the register.
I was surprised ‘The Americans’ continued the Nina storyline all this season. The way last season ended, I thought she was written off the show. However, I think last night’s season finale would have made for a great series finale.
Last night’s classic Letterman moment was a segment that happen 15 years ago when they sent Buzz Aldrin as a correspondent to the Daytime Emmy Awards dressed in an EVA astronaut suit. Most of the interviews went something like this: Buzz: Hello! Who are you? Smugly Soap Star: I’m so-and-so, and I’m nominated for best nada-nada in nada-nada-nada. Buzz: That’s great. I walked on the moon. (funny awkward silence)
My grandmother died on this day back in 1987, the first death of a loved one I experienced. This date always sticks out. If she was still alive, she’d be 114. Supposedly she was literally late to her own funeral as she was flown and driven to Mineral Wells from San Diego and her flight was delayed. The only recording I have of her old smoker’s voice is from this Christmas video of me explaining who Optimus Prime was. It cracks me up that her polite reply was a confused, “Ohhhh…”
Sadly, sadly, I do not. My mother may be sainted in my eyes, but she wasn’t perfect, and when I stopped playing with certain toys or she thought things got too cluttered, got rid of some of my things when I was at school. I guess it’s not all that different than those stories you hear of mothers tossing out baseball collections. However, I do have a friend that still has his entire collection. It’s not in the box or anything, but he still has about a 30 piece collection. And in my opinion, they were built better back in the day.
A couple years back, my parents brought me a couple of big boxes of my old toys that they had dug out of their closet. There were quite a few of my old transformers in there. My kids loved playing with them.
I've got to agree, the old ones were much better.
All of my old GI Joes did not fare too well. Their torsos were held to the lower part of the body by strong rubber band, and every single one of them deteriorated. Not a single figure was in one piece.
Ah yes, I do remember that strong black rubber band inside those Joes. I use to take them apart unscrewing that screw in their back and interchange parts with other figures and make up a storyline. One time I replaced Hawk's face with Destro's because Destro knew his body was deteriorating, so he captured Hawk and took over his body. Yup, I was demented. I still have my William Perry figure sitting on my desk, almost as good as new. I had to save up a lot of redemption points or something and send in for him, and the day he arrived in the mail I was on cloud nine.
Great links, Keith! I'm shocked that the "dishonorable dead" count is only 95. I'm guessing those are only those who were court-martialed and convicted, and even that number sounds really low. I'd think even the conviction number would be 100 times that. Although we thing of our wartime enemies as committing atrocities, American soldiers are just as capable of – and probably engage in just as many – atrocities as the other side does.
From Wikipedia:
…In [the book] Taken by Force, J. Robert Lilly estimates the number of rapes committed by U.S. servicemen in Germany to be 11,040
Oh, and a disgusting anecdote. In my 20s, I roomed in a house housing, among others, a mortician. One morning, he came to my doorway, said, "I'll keep any eye out for you", grinned, and showed a glass eye between his teeth.
Being glass, I'm sure it's possible to sterilize those things, but still…
– I don't "get" fried chicken & waffles either
– Cute video, do you still have your Optimus Prime somewhere?
Sadly, sadly, I do not. My mother may be sainted in my eyes, but she wasn’t perfect, and when I stopped playing with certain toys or she thought things got too cluttered, got rid of some of my things when I was at school. I guess it’s not all that different than those stories you hear of mothers tossing out baseball collections. However, I do have a friend that still has his entire collection. It’s not in the box or anything, but he still has about a 30 piece collection. And in my opinion, they were built better back in the day.
A couple years back, my parents brought me a couple of big boxes of my old toys that they had dug out of their closet. There were quite a few of my old transformers in there. My kids loved playing with them.
I've got to agree, the old ones were much better.
All of my old GI Joes did not fare too well. Their torsos were held to the lower part of the body by strong rubber band, and every single one of them deteriorated. Not a single figure was in one piece.
Ah yes, I do remember that strong black rubber band inside those Joes. I use to take them apart unscrewing that screw in their back and interchange parts with other figures and make up a storyline. One time I replaced Hawk's face with Destro's because Destro knew his body was deteriorating, so he captured Hawk and took over his body. Yup, I was demented. I still have my William Perry figure sitting on my desk, almost as good as new. I had to save up a lot of redemption points or something and send in for him, and the day he arrived in the mail I was on cloud nine.
Great links, Keith! I'm shocked that the "dishonorable dead" count is only 95. I'm guessing those are only those who were court-martialed and convicted, and even that number sounds really low. I'd think even the conviction number would be 100 times that. Although we thing of our wartime enemies as committing atrocities, American soldiers are just as capable of – and probably engage in just as many – atrocities as the other side does.
From Wikipedia:
…In [the book] Taken by Force, J. Robert Lilly estimates the number of rapes committed by U.S. servicemen in Germany to be 11,040
and that's only in Germany 🙁
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_war_crimes_du… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occu… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_libe… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wartime_sexual_viole…
Oh, and a disgusting anecdote. In my 20s, I roomed in a house housing, among others, a mortician. One morning, he came to my doorway, said, "I'll keep any eye out for you", grinned, and showed a glass eye between his teeth.
Being glass, I'm sure it's possible to sterilize those things, but still…
Keith: Don't tell WifeGeeding
CREEPY! I would have to sleep with … one eye opened. 😉