One thing I’ve noticed about my kids are how excited they can get about little things. They are so happy when they wake up and can’t wait to start the day, and they run into places as if they can’t wait for the fun to begin, whether it be school, church, or a restaurant. I can’t recall the last time I was excited or “happy” to wake up or ran somewhere because I was full of glee. There was this time when I couldn’t wait for the Ice Capades to be over and ran out of the arena with zest, but that’s a little different.
I need a BBQ intervention before I do any more harm to my body. Upon the suggestion from WifeGeedingII I decided to check out Meat U Anywhere BBQ in Grapevine because of proximity to GeedingManor and I’ve had a bit of cabin fever due to the icy weather. Beef ribs weren’t on the menu today, it’s just a Friday and Saturday feature, but I did get the “moist brisket from the point” (that’s how I order it to avoid any confusion on getting the lean dry stuff) and their massive hand cut fries, and thankfully that don’t chop off the crust. The brisket was pretty solid, but not on the level of Pecan Lodge, my favorite in the area. The rub seemed to be lacking just a little of something, it needed a little kick just so you know it’s there. Like traditional Central Texas BBQ you don’t need sauce or forks, so I thought it was pretty clever of them to install a foot-operated vessel faucet and sink in their dining room.
Since I’ve discovered the “moist brisket from the point” here are my local BBQ rankings: #1 Pecan Lodge, Tied for #2 Lockhart and Hutchins, #3 Meat U Anywhere, #4 PayneManor BBQ (a neighbor), #5 Hard Eight.
I have a feeling if the jury from the American Sniper murder trial was selected in a more metropolitan area, the verdict would have been different. But I guess the defendant did get a jury of his peers. With all that said, I’m no legal expert and I have no idea what they were all presented.
While driving on 114 I noticed there’s now a section of it that’s a toll, which surprised me. I also passed a slow plow yesterday, which I think is the first time I’ve seen one in real life. It seems like the area started to get them after the Super Bowl embarrassment of how we handle icy weather, even though that was a rare phenomenon. If I were the type to try to bait for comments, I’d say the snow plows in the area are due to climate change, but I don’t believe that’s the reason we now have them in the area.
Last night’s ‘Daily Show’ was one of the best ever aired, and it was great having Conan as a guest promoting his upcoming show filmed in Cuba. That show will air March 1st.
The preschool our kids attend has this funky eight-seat-toddler- table in the nursery, except it’s in blue. Until yesterday I’ve never seen such a thing.
The CBS Evening news had a story about Southwest Airlines being able to fly despite overdue inspections and mentioned that they have only lost one life due to an accident. I thought they never lost a life due to an accident so I started some research and I think they are referring to Flight 1248 which slid off a runway at Chicago-Midway in a snowstorm and crashed into automobile traffic, killing six-year-old boy. Since the child wasn’t an airline passenger but a car passenger, I guess Southwest can truthfully state they have never lost an airline passenger life in an accident, and that’s what I was thinking. But the most interesting part of that Wikipedia article was this – Cockpit voice-recorder transcripts indicate the pilots had been concerned about the weather and, prior to landing, jokingly alluded to the movie Airplane!, saying, “I picked a bad day to stop sniffin’ glue.”
As WifeGeeding was going through the Freebirds line her server asked her what type of bean she wanted for her burrito by saying, “What musical fruit do you prefer?”
GIF – Don’t view if you are afraid of heights like myself.
The ‘Modern Family’ episode in which everything is seen through Claire’s MacBook sure was neat, but I started to feel dizzy with all the zooming in and out and multitasking. It looks like they’ll win the Emmy again, no doubt. But do people really engage like that in an airport? And I know that Apple didn’t have any involvement with the episode, but that sure was an endorsement and some great free advertising. As a non-Mac person, I found a lot of what they were doing confusing.
Letterman’s guest last night was Julianna Margulies who stated the wig she wears on ‘The Good Wife’ costs $10,000. Man, I even watched the surprisingly interesting and entertaining Chris Rock documentary Good Hair and I wouldn’t have guest a wig would cost that much.
I was out as soon as Modern Family came on. Not a fan. But on the other hand The Goldbergs recreation of Ferris Bueller was fantastic! That show is gold.
If I heard a pilot tell the "bad day" joke in that situation, in all honestly my confidence in them would go up. That's a stress humor release. Instead of panicking, they are staying cool. They are relating their confidence/coolness to the crew, "Yes, this is difficult, but I've got it under control". He was a 26 year Air Force vet and I guarantee you that was pure military culture/training bubbling to the surface.
Sorry, Keith. I didn't mean to imply you were being critical. It's just that would be my first reaction. I'd rather have him doing stress humor than freaking out or freezing up. I fly too many flight simulators.
I was out as soon as Modern Family came on. Not a fan. But on the other hand The Goldbergs recreation of Ferris Bueller was fantastic! That show is gold.
If I heard a pilot tell the "bad day" joke in that situation, in all honestly my confidence in them would go up. That's a stress humor release. Instead of panicking, they are staying cool. They are relating their confidence/coolness to the crew, "Yes, this is difficult, but I've got it under control". He was a 26 year Air Force vet and I guarantee you that was pure military culture/training bubbling to the surface.
I wasn’t being critical of the pilot for the quote, I’m just a big fan of the movie and just got a kick out of it that it was referenced.
Sorry, Keith. I didn't mean to imply you were being critical. It's just that would be my first reaction. I'd rather have him doing stress humor than freaking out or freezing up. I fly too many flight simulators.
Good luck. We're all counting on you.