Yesterday “Bag of Randomness” didn’t post when it was suppose to, and the same thing happened to LiberallyLean’s “Random Morning Thoughts”. Weird. Actually, this is the second time within a week that’s happened to me.
All the local news stations focused on that big rig dangling off a bridge. KTVT reported the rescue effort was done by McIntyire Wrecker Service in Mesquite. I’d like to know how much they charged for such a massive and dangerous operation, and who gives them the initial payment – TXDot, City of Dallas, truck owner, insurance?
Tonight’s ‘Modern Family’ will be worth watching just to see how the are able to pull off an entire show using FaceTime. Funny thing about that show, one of the co-creators is Christopher Lloyd, who I thought was the one from ‘Taxi’ and Back to the Future. But the show creator is a different Christopher Lloyd.
More shakeup at ‘The Daily Show’ – Jason Jones is leaving as well, but his wife, Samantha Bee, will be staying put.
I’d like to know who’s on Comedy Central’s short list to replace Jon Stewart on ‘The Daily Show’. Here’s my short list of people I think would realistically do it, in no particular order – Amy Poehler, Steve Carrell, Ed Helms, and Neil Patrick Harris.
Interesting tidbit I found on Reddit – “99 Bottle Of Beer” ends with “No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. You go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall”
Are McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes a thing in Texas? This time of year I hear people from other areas in the U.S. mention them but I don’t ever recall seeing such a thing sold in Texas, and I use to eat at McDonald’s a lot.
When Dale Hansen does his Unplugged segments, it’s probably the closest thing to an Aaron Sorkin character we’ll see in real life, complete with his flaws. His latest over the Flower Mound White Power signs seems to be quite a talking point on local message boards.
I thought it was pretty clever how the climax of ‘Marvel’s Agent Carter’s’ finale mirrored the ending of Captain America: The First Avenger with Peggy talking on the radio to a endangered colleague flying an aircraft.
The series finale of ‘Parks and Recreation’ was a lot more artsy than I would have expected.
I watched The Daily Show last night and the departing Stewart still had me laughing hard. I am concerned over who they will pick as his replacement. It can’t just be a clever comic. Each segment has a theme and Stewart, more times than not, becomes increasingly incensed as the segment progresses. This is more to it than just telling a string of jokes. The new host will have to some level of gravitas, credibility and intellectual curiosity that allows him/her to genuinely vent when appropriate. It was telling that two favorites for the job, Jessica Williams and Kevin McHale, bowed out by saying that they were underqualified and not up to the intellectual standards the show requires. From your list I would go with Helms, Carrell, Poehler, and Harris in that order. The one positive in the selection process is that Stewart will probably have a major influence in who gets selected.
Daily Show short list:
I watched The Daily Show last night and the departing Stewart still had me laughing hard. I am concerned over who they will pick as his replacement. It can’t just be a clever comic. Each segment has a theme and Stewart, more times than not, becomes increasingly incensed as the segment progresses. This is more to it than just telling a string of jokes. The new host will have to some level of gravitas, credibility and intellectual curiosity that allows him/her to genuinely vent when appropriate. It was telling that two favorites for the job, Jessica Williams and Kevin McHale, bowed out by saying that they were underqualified and not up to the intellectual standards the show requires. From your list I would go with Helms, Carrell, Poehler, and Harris in that order. The one positive in the selection process is that Stewart will probably have a major influence in who gets selected.
“becomes increasingly incensed as the segment progresses. This is more to it than just telling a string of jokes”
I don’t think I’ve noticed this before, good observation, and you’re right, the new host will need to be able pull this off.
Check out Montreal's Rideau Canal Skateway.…
Sorry, Ottawa.