T-Mobile and a Longwood-area church are hoping to erect a 130-foot cross that will double as a cell-phone tower. But they’ve had bad reception from neighbors, who are protesting the idea.
The proposed “monocross” tower, which goes before the Seminole County board of adjustment late this month, would improve cellular-phone coverage, according to the wireless-services provider. But residents say it would mar the landscape, and they worry about its safety.
“The intrusion by T-Mobile’s monster tower is going to be detrimental to our property values,” said Doug Damerst, president of the Sleepy Hollow First Addition Homeowners Association, who said he would pass the tower daily if it is installed.
The tower would dwarf Rolling Hills Moravian Church below it, but the Rev. Willie Israel said the cross “is a symbol of who we are as a Christian community.”