- I’m happy for TCU and hope they continue to do well. And I’m happy to see that they are finally starting to sell out their Amon G. Carter Stadium.
- In case you didn’t know who Amon Carter was, here’s some important facts about him for you local folks:
- Creator of the Fort Worth Star Telegram. That newspaper had the largest circulation in the south and created WBAP.
- Responsible for getting Lubbock a four year college that later became Texas Tech University.
- Persuaded Southern Air Transport to move their headquarters to Forth Worth. That airline later became American Airlines.
- It’s amazing that Gary Patterson hasn’t been picked up from some major college, but I hope he stays at TCU and builds a legend.
- As a kid, my family drove from Mineral Wells to Fort Worth to do a lot of shopping and head over to Carswells AFB for all sorts of stuff. Heck, I remember when eating at McDonalds in Fort Worth was a treat because Mineral Wells didn’t even have one. But I often remember eating at Furr’s Cafeteria before heading to the Air Force base. That memory came to mind as I read this article that Furr’s is moving away from the cafeteria model to the buffet model. I haven’t been there in a while, but I do like me some Furr’s.
- I learned a little trick with the electric paper towel dispenser. Usually when it dispenses, it’s not enough paper to dry my hands, so I just have to tear off another piece. But I learned that if you don’t rip the paper and just tug on it and wave your want again to activate it, it will dispense more paper without you having to tear it out.
- There was a story last week about how a $1.6 million Bugatti crashed into a body of water in Galveston. Now there’s actual video of the crash as it happened – I think I smell something fishy.
- The Who will performing at halftime of the Super Bowl. I know of them, but can’t name any of their songs. But I can name several Black Eyed Peas songs.
- I wonder what Richard Marx has been up to as of late.
- Bono’s latest op-ed for the NY Times
- I read an article about the discovery of two Japanese subs that the U.S. Navy captured at the end of WWII. That story is interesting enough in itself, but I was more amazed that one of them was the largest non-nuclear submarine ever built and could circle the Earth one-and-a-half times without refueling. Link
- Neiman Marcus letting children climb into store displays
- Those slow motion NFL commercials where the camera is zoomed in all nice and close are pretty cool.
- That’s a bright dress
- Belichick’s arrogance got the best of him, and it couldn’t have happened to a better guy or team.
- I’m glad to see Cincy winning, and I’m happy to see that they swept Pittsburgh for the season – well, unless they meet in the playoffs.
- Believe it or not, I still have not adjusted to the time change.
- I plan on watching the Palin/Oprah interview.
- I wonder what McCain really thinks about her now.
- Stan came home with me again over the weekend and he wanted to check out a few things . . . .
He’s never been to a playground, so I made sure he got to experience some fun.
While at the park, Stan ran into a friend that he felt he would relate with.
They bonded quickly . . .
Little did I know that Stan is a Cowboys fan . . .
And it turns out he really likes hot wings . . .
"I think I smell something fishy"
Actually, it is crabs you smell. One news report showed crabs on the bed of the wrecker after they loaded the car.
Keith – glad you enjoyed the TCU stuff. My wife and I went to the game, and it was awesome. She is a TCU alum, and was the TCU mascot from 1993-1996. She couldn't get over the energy in the stadium.
1. Ooooh, can we go to Furr's when I come home?!
2. Ewww, you went to Hooter's?!
There is an awful lot of BOG today., thanks.
Stan is getting spoiled, he is going to want to move in.