Butt-Face Towel

facebutt-3.jpgThere’s a serious problem in your bathroom that you’re not even aware of. After your bath or shower, you might be drying your face with the same part of the towel that dried your butt the day before. Or worse yet, it might have dried someone else’s butt!

Think about it… using an ordinary towel, you have a fifty-percent chance of getting a face full of butt-tainted terry cloth. Yes, it’s revolting, but Stupid.com has a solution.

The ingenious Butt-Face Towel brings sanitary sanity back into your bathroom. It’s a quality, terry cloth bath towel with two clearly labeled ends. As you can see in the photos, one half is white with the word “FACE” boldly embroidered. The other end is brown (good color choice) and is embroidered with the word “BUTT.”


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