Everyone can thank Doug for the motivation.
Oh, the good ol’ days.
The results for the old poll are after the jump:
If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead
- Elvis: 10% (15)
- John Wayne: 7% (11)
- Mr Rogers: 8% (12)
- Marilyn Monroe: 2% (3)
- Patsy Cline1: 3% (4)
- Jimi Hendrix1: 10% (14)
- Stevie Ray Vaughn1: 5% (8)
- John Lennon1: 11% (16)
- Keith Green1: 2% (3)
- Chris Farley1: 7% (10)
- Lucille Ball1: 3% (4)
- J.S. Bach1: 2% (3)
- Ronald Reagan1: 4% (6)
- Phil Hartman1: 3% (4)
- Dick Clark1: 1% (1)
- Adam Petty1: 2% (3)
- Janis Joplin1: 2% (3)
- Hank Williams1: 1% (1)
- Kurt Cobain1: 1% (2)
- Jesus Christ1: 5% (7)
- Jerry Falwell1: 1% (1)
- Steve McQueen1: 1% (2)
- Jim Morrison1: 1% (2)
- Ummm, Jesus Christ already rose from the dead1: 5% (7)
- Jimmy Stewart1: 1% (2)
- Charles Nelson Reilly1: 2% (3)
Total Votes : 147
Is Jesus really a “celebrity”?
My hope is that Jesus is the biggest celebrity there is. I wish people would cheer him like they do their favorite football team. And I wish people would search the internet for info on him like they do Paris or Brittany. If he isn’t a celebrity he should be.