Bumps and bruises are ‘good for children’
Children should be allowed to play dangerous games and risk minor injuries as part of a wider lesson in life, the organisation responsible for avoiding accidents has said.
By scraping knees, grazing elbows and getting bruises, children learn “valuable lifelong lessons” that will help them to avoid more serious injuries in later life.
Peter Cornall, head of leisure safety at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), said: “We need to ask ourselves whether it is better for a child to break a wrist falling out of a tree, or to get a repetitive strain wrist injury at a young age from using a computer or video games console.
“Parents and children must not be frightened about venturing outside. When children spend time in the great outdoors, getting muddy, getting wet, getting stung by nettles, they learn important lessons – what hurts, what is slippery, what you can trip over or fall from. We need to try to break down the perceived safety barriers to playing outside. A step towards achieving this can be the creation of wild areas for natural play within parks.