Free movies at Victory Park:
Catch movies on three big screens at Victory Park on Tuesdays through Sept. 25. Want to dine while you watch? You could make a reservation to check out the on-screen action from the patios at Nove Italiano or N9NE Steakhouse.
Victory Plaza
Olive and North Houston streets
July 3: Ghostbusters
July 10: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
July 17: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
July 24: Raiders of the Lost Ark
July 31: Superman
Aug. 7: The Wizard of Oz
Aug. 14: The Goonies
Aug. 21: Grease
Aug. 28: Back to the Future
Sept. 4: Singin’ in the Rain
Sept. 18: Rocky
Sept. 25: The Sound of Music