Ticked Off Tuesday

Someone just emailed me asking if I was going to do a Ticked-Off Tuesday because he/she needs to vent.

So here it goes . . . What is something that currently ticks you off.

I’ll start – It ticks me off that a friend that may or may not be named Jimi does a poor job at replying to my emails.

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5 Responses to Ticked Off Tuesday

  1. jonathan says:

    It bothers me when people use more than 140 characters to complain about how stupid Twitter is!

  2. Chris O says:

    WCCO has breaking news that Favre will sign on Tuesday. It ticks me off that people here in MN actually put up with this 8th grade BS.

    Venting in MN,

  3. It ticks me off when I am told that I am not capable, when I know I am.

  4. It ticks me off when I worry about upcoming changes, people just tell me I am taking on too much and should just not do it.

  5. WGII says:

    People driving in the passing lane below the posted speed limit! That's when I wish I drove a car with big rubber bumpers and could knocked them out of the lane!!!!

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