Bag of Randomness for Monday, February 12, 2024

  • There’s no better-looking trophy in professional sports than the Lombardi Trophy. I like the tradition of the Stanley Cup and all, but the Lombardi just looks sharp, simple, and dignified.
  • Well, at least the Cowboys have won a Super Bowl more recently than the Niners. I think I’d rather my team not make the dance in three decades than make the dance three times and lose every time.
  • I wonder how the Kennedy family Super Bowl party was going until RFK Jr’s ad aired.
  • A man in Indonesia playing in a soccer game was struck by lightning and it was caught on video. I often get frustrated when football officials make players get off the field during a storm, but I now regret feeling that way.
  • Because I know faith in Christ is important to a lot of my readers, I thought they would appreciate this answer by Brock Purdy when asked about his faith.

  • Somewhat along those same lines, I recently read as a devout Catholic, President Biden has attended church more while in office than any president in at least 70 years.
  • I think Jesus wouldn’t appreciate the money that could be used for the poor and immigrants being spent for millions of dollars of Super Bowl ads.
  • Trump took a shot at Nikki Haley’s husband for not being at her events even though he’s on military deployment. Haley righteously defended her husband and spoke highly of our military, but I can’t overlook that she supported Trump after he mocked John McCain, attacked a Gold Star family, and called fallen military heroes “losers and suckers.”
  • An odd tweet I read yesterday and I couldn’t tell if the person was serious or not, “President Biden sent military jets to escort Taylor Swift across the Pacific from Japan.”
  • Governor Abbott’s campaign sent me a spam text during the second quarter.
  • Someone pointing out Andy Reid flashing the shocker gave me a good laugh. If you are unfamiliar with that, don’t look up the urban dictionary definition.
  • I wonder how much Taylor Swift spent flying from Japan and on her Super Bowl suite. Talk about a supportive girlfriend. I also wonder how much adrenaline she was running off of at the end of her performance, the flight, the jet lag, and just getting to her seat. Meanwhile, I debated on doing the dishes.
  • Supportive wife.
  • One of the better tweets I saw last night was, “I wish 1983 Jerry Falwell was around to see this halftime show.”
  • Good for her. But, it doesn’t matter what she does, someone is going to rip her.

  • Mitt Romney extending grace to both of our elder presidential candidates, “I’ve worked with the president and I haven’t seen anything that’s abnormal before. It was like President Trump saying Niki Haley three times instead of Nancy Pelosi; sometimes you say the wrong word… He said Mexico instead of Egypt. Everybody knew what he was saying and that’s not an unusual thing.”
  • And to think ESPN laid Merril Hoge off in 2017. If I owned an NFL franchise, I’d hire him as GM based on this one video alone.

  • Today marks the anniversary of one of the darkest days of my life.
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