Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, October 5, 2022

  • On The Ticket yesterday morning, Craig Miller talked about buying new underwear and how often they should be replaced. He threw out all his old pairs and replaced them with new. That got me to thinking, when was the last time I bought underwear. I recall I did so through Amazon. That’s one thing I like about Amazon, you have a record of all your purchases from all the years you’ve been a customer and can easily search them. Let’s just stay I was surprised at how long I’ve had my underwear and how durable they are.
  • The 19-year-old fan who caught Roger Maris’ recording breaking homerun ball tried to give it to Marris. Maris told him to keep it and try to sell it for some money. Good guy, that Roger Marris.
    • ”He just said ‘Keep the ball and make yourself some money’,” remembered Durante. “To me, that was great. Roger could have taken the baseball, thank you very much. See, people don’t understand, they don’t realize. He was a very thoughtful person, he was.”
    • Later in the fall of ‘61, a small item appeared in New York papers about a Sacramento, Calif., restaurant owner named Sam Gordon offering $5,000 for the ball with the intention of returning it to Maris. Durante went out to California with Maris, where he gave the baseball to Gordon, who presented it to Maris and handed the teen-ager a $5,000 check. The agreement was contingent upon Maris participating in a photo shoot, and Durante was also comped for the trip and another to the West Coast. Maris later gave the ball to Cooperstown, while Gordon provided Durante and his wife-to-be with a two-week honeymoon.
  • For you Ticket and now Freak fans, the story of how Grubes made his way to the Freak.
  • The Python programming language is not named after the snake but the British comedy troupe.
  • My trivia team came in third last night. I ordered a burger plain and dry, but it tasted like bacon. I’m guessing back was earlier cooked on the grill.
  • I can’t name one Pink Floyd song. I’m not sure if I could recognize any. I have a feeling I’m familiar with their work, I just can’t identify it.
  • For the most part, when it comes to tickets, I’m old school. I prefer to print them out and have them scanned. I guess I suffer from performance anxiety relying on getting the barcodes to scan from my phone.
  • Whoopi Goldberg says she didn’t wear a fat suit for ‘Till,’ correcting a reviewer
  • The Onion tells the Supreme Court – seriously – that satire is no laughing matter
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