Bag of Randomness for Friday, September 16, 2016


  • Is it better to buy a new toilet at Home Depot or Lowe’s, or at a surplus store like Seconds and Surplus? But then again, it’s just a toilet, there’s really no need make this too complicated.
  • I rarely drink alcohol, but my favorite drink is the Haymaker at Haystack Burger and Barley, it’s basically a citrusy whiskey slushie. To my surprise, they provided the Dallas Observer with the recipe which is rather simple, though it may be hard to duplicate their signature blended iced tea.
  • In other Dallas Observer news, the included the Baker Hotel from my hometown of Mineral Wells in this list – 10 (More) Crazy Things To See Along Texas Highways, Explained [Thanks, J.C.!]
    • It states that in 1922, residents raised the initial $150,000 to build it. That’s the first I heard of that. Adjusted for inflation, that’s about $2.14 million.
  • In other Mineral Wells news, there’s going to be a Medal of Honor memorial ceremony on Saturday. I remember that monument when I was in high school, it was located at the high school but furthest from all other buildings and badly maintained. Glad to hear it got a deserved makeover.
  • Random He-Man toyline tidbit –  profits fell from a peak of $400 million in United States sales alone in 1986 to a mere $7 million in 1987. 
  • If I read this Star-Telegram article correctly, likely Texas voters view Sen. Ted Cruz more unfavorably than Trump, and Hillary is only two points higher.
  • Armchair Political Pundit: Trump was on Dr. Oz and Fallon this week, even getting his hair messed with. That’s a lot of good exposure, more entertainment than political, which makes him more relatable or personable. Maybe the shake-up his campaign had in leadership recently is doing some good for the campaign. That’s taking advantage of Hillary being sidelined for most of the week. He was mostly reserved regarding her health when she was off the campaign trail recovering, which I think will help humanize him. Oh, and last night he stated he believes Obama was actually born in the U.S.
  • Benjamin L. Corey – How Christian Fundamentalism Is Making A Concerning Comeback In America
    • American culture is currently experiencing what some, and now I, am calling New Wave Fundamentalism. The original fundamentalists stem from the early 20th Century, and was rooted largely in fear– fear over this new concept of evolution, fear that culture was growing too liberal, fear that the nation was drifting from God, and fear that it would all come crashing down if they didn’t take culture back.
    • Blogger Note: I neither condone or condemn his blog post, just thought some of y’all would find it interesting or something that may increase your blood pressure.
  • High school girl gets nominated to be on the homecoming court, she shows up wearing a T-Rex costume and is the homecoming queen winner. She’s the homecoming queen America wants, needs, and deserves.
  • The largest (Dallas Morning News) and second largest (Houston Chronicle) newspapers in Texas endorse the Libertarian candidate for Railroad Commissioner.
  • I bet this guy has been doing this for years just trying to get caught, and let me guess, he was listening to Huey Lewis – Man arrested for speeding in DeLorean at 88mph
  • The Economist – Why Companies Make Their Products Worse – And why that’s a good thing for their customers.
  • Scattershooting the other day wondering what ever happened to Billy Blanks 
    • The Fitness Gospel of Billy Blanks – Tae Bo was the ’90s workout of choice for soccer moms and celebrities alike. Twenty years later, its founder is hoping to win over a generation that has never heard of him
  • Whataburger Fights DC Comics Over Wonder Woman Logo
  • Study: San Antonio is the No. 1 ‘Cougar Town’ in the U.S.
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7 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Friday, September 16, 2016

  1. Speakno Birth says:

    Geeding, did you actually hear Trump say that he believed Obama was born in Hawaii on Fallon? I see his campaign put out a statement yesterday stating such, but from what I've read, he was asked the question yesterday (not on Fallon) and said he didn't want to answer it yet. I believe Pence is on the record saying they both believe Obama was born in the U.S., but have the words actually come from Trump's mouth?

    • Geeding says:

      Nope, I didn’t hear Trump say the words, as you noted, his comments was provided by his campaign. But it’s not like Trump and his campaign ever contradict each other. 😉

      • Speakno Birth says:

        Ha! Never! Man, this has got to be one of the most unique presidential elections ever. I don't know if I'll be glad when it's over, or if I just want it to keep going and going. Of course, if it keeps going, we'll ultimately not have a Supreme Court. 🙂

  2. Mr. Mike Honcho says:

    Yes, I would buy the toilet from Home depot or Lowes, whichever is closest. To me, the amount you might save at a surplus store isn't worth the convenience and ease of going to a big box store and getting what you need all at once.

    I think Corey's comments might have some validity. But I don't think it will have the impact he thinks it might. New Fundies are quick to get mad about the WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!! or S-S-MARRIAGE!!! but other than some reposts of Facebook Memes or rants it pretty much stops there. I surmise most are distracted by their kids, church, etc. to actually form it into a national political or social force.

    Disclaimer: not a Fundamentalist…

  3. Laura says:

    On the toilet subject…..I highly recommend going with the taller one. We're not getting any younger, ya know!

    • Mr. Mike Honcho says:

      This is a great suggestion Laura! When we built our new house, we put the taller (Chair height) toilets in. Every room. It makes a huge difference.

  4. ALEC says:

    Isn't San Antonio also the fattest city in America? I like my cats lean and mean, if you catch my drift…

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