Guns and Faith

Let me start off with a disclaimer – I’m not posting this because I’m for or against anything related to firearms, I’m posting this because I know a lot of Christian firearm owners read this blog and some may find this interesting, no matter what side of the issue they may be on.

‘CBS Sunday Morning’ had this segment about a pastor asking, “How can evangelicals be pro-life AND pro-gun? Who will ultimately save us? Christ or a Glock?”

That in itself didn’t get my attention, but it was the part of the segment in which he debates the subject with fellow evangelicals. That conversation is part of a documentary called  “The Armor of Light” which will air May 10 on PBS. But what also got my attention was the director of the documentary , Abigail Disney, Walt Disney’s grand-niece.

While working on the documentary with the pastor, she had a bit of a conversion:

“I went back to this church that someone had told me about, and all of a sudden on Sunday morning I find myself looking forward to going to church.”

“So you are going to church now?”

“I am in church now.”

“And would you call yourself a Christian?”

“Yes. I think I’ve always been willing to call myself a Christian. But you hear all the tentativeness, right?”

You can watch the segment below or read the article here, and I also posted the trailer for the documentary.

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2 Responses to Guns and Faith

  1. Ben W. says:

    I watched this on Sunday, and I was wondering if you would reference it. As would be expected for the part of the country in which we live, I also have Christian friends/family that are pro-life and pro-gun. In fact, I have a close family member who is one of the gundamentalists who is a borderline insurrectionist about his 2nd-Amendment rights. I grew up with guns and hunting, but haven't owned a gun in more than a decade. As I age, I struggle with the moral and ethical questions surrounding the use of deadly force.

    With that in mind, the question raised by the minister that jumped out at me – to the point that I had to stop and think – was: "Is it always God's will that I survive a violent confrontation with another human being?" That is a powerful question.

    If a person comes into my home, statistically it is likely that they are not there with an intent to murder me or my family, but rather to steal. If I am willing to kill them for that, and do, I have cut off any possibility that may exist for that person to heal their relationship with God and find salvation. For the salvation of my mortal life, have I cut off another person's opportunity for an eternal one? I don't know. Yes, I understand that all people have the ability to make choices and that criminal chose to break into my house. But does that give me the right to choose for him that he will die for that?

    This is such a complicated issue that is fraught with so much nuance. But the equation of "God + Guns = Freedom" that has been set forth by some fundamentalists nauseates me.

  2. Mr. Mike Honcho says:

    Disclaimer: I am a Christian. I am a Gun Owner. I am a CHL holder. (but not arrogant about any of those. 😉 )

    I believe self-defense to be correct and Right. So yes, I believe it is God's will that you survive a violent confrontation with another human being. If your beliefs permit Nations to maintain Armies, Police Forces, etc to defend you from those who intend evil upon your person, then you should extend those beliefs to the individual. Morally, they are one and the same. And I do not believe you can pick and choose between them.

    I think God created Humans with brains and intended we use them. We don't "only" pray for healing, we also go see Doctors. We don't only pray to get along with one another, we also create governments. And when someone intends to do Evil upon someone, we don't "only" pray that God intervene, we also take actions.

    For me, I treat the subject of guns for self-defense an insurance policy. I am well trained in firearms, stressful situations, and take comfort in knowing it is there in the extremely, extremely rare situation it's needed. And by needed meaning my life or loved one's in mortal danger. But I also don't parade my beliefs re: guns in public, wear it like a chip on my shoulder, and seek confrontation regarding. I am comfortable with this, but have no problems with others decisions regarding.

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