A major life goal was growing tall enough so my feet could be placed on the floor and no longer hang while sitting on the toilet.
LiberallyLean went on a fantastic sports trip to Kansas over the weekend. I like that he writes about his trips, but I wish he’d provide more details. Perhaps that’s his secret, he leaves enough out which keeps us wanting more. We both have many things in common, but one thing we differ on is food. I would have definitely hit up one of their BBQ places. But then again, perhaps that’s why he has seven-pack abs (at least that’s the word out on the streets about his physique).
Well, now I know at least three people in Mineral Wells read this excuse for a blog.
According to the Christian History Institute – Columbus estimated the size of the Atlantic Ocean partially from reading his Bible. He had read in the Second Book of Esdras (in the Apocrypha) that God created the world in seven parts, six of them dry land and the seventh water. He thus calculated that the ocean separating Portugal from Cipangu (Japan) was one-seventh of the earth’s circumference, or about 2,400 miles. He figured that by sailing 100 miles per day, he could reach the Indies in 30 days.
I thought the new season of ‘Fargo’ got off to a solid start. I’m really impressed with how well the sets and clothing from the Seventies stand out. Spoiler warning – The story reminds me of this local tragedy that happened back in 2003. If I recall correctly, my childhood pastor was slightly involved as he was the pastor of the victim’s son, who I remember did a live interview with the ‘Today’ show from Albany, TX.
I wonder if this YouTube video about a flight attendant kicking a passenger off with sympathetic fellow passengers will go viral.
Speaking of flight attendants, this Mental Floss article states the reason they aren’t tipped is because black men in similar occupations (porters on trains and boats) were tipped, and tipping white flight attendants would come about as an insult.
– Yep, the first thing I though of was that Ft. Worth case where the lady ran over the homeless guy and left him in her garage to die.
– I loved Fargo too, I can't wait until next week.
– From reading the article, I don't quite see how light rail has anything to do with an economic boom. Frisco seems to be doing pretty good by taking that one cent sales tax and putting it into local development instead of giving it to DART.
I hate it when the only stall available is the handicapped one because my feet won't reach the floor. I also hate booths for the same reason. As well as high barstools. 5footNADA.
Hi – been a while since I posted, but thought you might like to know your photo above made the DMA (not the Dallas Museum of Art) – the Daily Morning Awesomeness! http://thechive.com/2015/10/13/daily-morning-awes…
Really liked the premiere of Fargo. Will have to go back and watch again to see how many Easter Eggs I missed.
The flight attendant video has already been deleted for bullying.
– Yep, the first thing I though of was that Ft. Worth case where the lady ran over the homeless guy and left him in her garage to die.
– I loved Fargo too, I can't wait until next week.
– From reading the article, I don't quite see how light rail has anything to do with an economic boom. Frisco seems to be doing pretty good by taking that one cent sales tax and putting it into local development instead of giving it to DART.
– Greg Abbott – what the hell?
I hate it when the only stall available is the handicapped one because my feet won't reach the floor. I also hate booths for the same reason. As well as high barstools. 5footNADA.
Hi – been a while since I posted, but thought you might like to know your photo above made the DMA (not the Dallas Museum of Art) – the Daily Morning Awesomeness!
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of that post, too! (Someone had a little Photoshop fun…)
Finally watched Fargo. Somehow I missed the first season, and I'm sorry that I did. This looks like it's going to be a great ride.