Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, June 3, 2015


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5 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, June 3, 2015

  1. John Mackovic says:

    I'm disappointed they didn't list Orson Welles' final film – Transformers: The Movie

  2. Ben W. says:

    Vincent D'Onofrio (Wilson Fisk/Kingpin) is great at being really creepy. But I wish he were bigger, as the version of Kingpin found in the comics is massive. I get that real life can't emulate the comics 100%, but making him a little larger through a body suit/shoe inserts/camera angles/etc. would add even more to the intimidation factor.

    Want to see Hank as a bad guy? Watch Under the Dome – it's a bit uneven at times, but it does a good job of showing off Dean Norris's acting chops.

    I tried to pull up that swingers' club lawsuit through the Parker County website to see what claims were actually filed, but their system is down. I suspect the claim is for a violation of the HOA's restrictive covenant that prohibits a homeowner from operating a business (which is what the article references). If so, then saying they're getting sued for running an "improper swingers' club" is just poor wording – they're getting sued for a prohibited activity: namely, running a business out of your home that draws traffic, noise, etc. Most HOAs allow in-home businesses for things like tutoring and piano lessons, since that's not noisy and only draws 1-2 cars at a time, during normal hours. The better way for the reporter to word it would have been that he is getting sued for "improperly operating a business out of his home," but that wording isn't nearly as sexy. See…lawyers really CAN take the fun out of everything!

    • Geeding says:

      Dean Norris had a bit of a surprise appearance in ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ and was funnier than what I thought he could be. But then again, he did have some good light hearted moments in ‘Breaking Bad’.

  3. RPM says:

    Is it wrong that every time I hear Joey Gallo’s name I think of My Cousin Vinnie?

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