I’m not so much a Duke fan as I’m a Coach K fan, so you can throw all the Duke hatred at me that you want. I think most of America would be lying if they wouldn’t have him in their top two list to coach either their college team or Team USA.
Lots of personal items, such as pocket knives and other stuff, get confiscated at airport security or TSA. The post office should set up some sort of kiosk or small location near airport security so people can mail those items back to themselves and not have to lose them, and in turn, make a few bucks.
If I were asked to guess the 2014 revenue for local area Gateway Church, I don’t think I would have guessed it’s just under $100,000,000. Out of curiosity I couldn’t find that information on Fellowship Church’s or Prestonwood Baptist’s website, but neither could I for the church in which we are members, though they do have hard copies available in the narthex before the “state of the church” or annual report meeting. The closest I could find on Irving Bible Church’s website was data for 2013, and while they don’t provide total revenue, they do state their budget for 2013 was $7.4 million.
BoyGeeding is now old enough to use a urinal and it’s actually kinda fun taking him to the restroom. He calls the urinal the “big boy toilet” and when he finds one that’s set lower to the floor, he always says, “Daddy, it’s just my size!” which makes me smile everytime.
DaughterGeeding attended her second Taekwondo lesson yesterday, so I now feel safer in the house. After the lesson I took both her and her brother for ice cream. BoyGeeding finished early and went to play and his sister stayed with me eating. When the ice cream was just about finished, DaughterGeeding yelled at the top of her lungs, “BROTHERGEEDING! BROTHERGEEDING! Do you want the last bite?” I wish the smile that appeared on my face could have been recorded.
The attractive fur coat model at the beginning of Sunday’s ‘Mad Men’ was Andie MacDowell’s daughter, Rainey Qualley. She also has a singing career.
The Spike channel seems to have a real hit with their now celebrity show ‘Lip Sync Battle‘, at least by judging how the mention of the show on social media. Here’s their YouTube channel if you are interested in clips.
I had to look up the reason for why the NCAA is using a raised basketball floor. Basically, for large arenas or stadiums, it’s a better viewing experience for the fans and you can fit in more seats.
@darrenrovell: Coach K’s letter to Michael Jordan when he learned he wouldn’t be coming to Duke
@darrenrovell: Coach K has been the head coach of Duke for 51.4% of his life
When the Duke players were cutting down the nets, I noticed each had their own pair of golden scissors, which made me wonder how long this has been a thing. After a little research, I found that Fiskars (U.S. headquarters is in Madison, Wisconsin, ouch!) is the Official Net-Cutting Scissors of NCAA® Championships for this year. But per this article it seems to have been going on for a while – Fiskars, for seven years now the official net-cutting scissors of the NCAA tournament. The company has serrated, gold titanium blades etched with the NCAA logo. The bad news is, while the winning teams get to keep them, you can’t actually buy them.
Something for those of you that watched the ‘Better Call Saul’ season finale – YouTube – To be honest, I was disappointed in the finale compared to the prior episode, which would have been a better finale.
Let me fix that for you: "Today's dose of 'MURICA: see previous link."
I agree with you about Saul – the episode seemed a bit anticlimactic, given the raw emotion of the previous episode. But I'm going to give it another view – I think there is more there than what is readily apparent at first. Jimmy's entire career path takes a turn with his decision at the end of the episode, and we have learned (most of) why he became the lawyer that Saul was. Now for the long wait for season 2…
Actually, this was attempted at DFW Airport, but failed miserably. The issue was where the kiosk was located and when people discovered/realized they had an item that would not pass security.
The kiosk was outside the first TSA checkpoint, the one where they check your boarding pass and license/passport. After that it is the plastic bins and conveyer for the x-ray machine and the body scanner for the individual. This is where unapproved items are found, but, you are already in a secured area with all your stuff spread out on the conveyer, so leaving the area to go back to the kiosk wasn't much of an option, plus TSA is hesitant to hand pocket knives back to travelers in a secured area. Logistically, this logical idea turned out to be impractical.
The end result was they made no money and the volume came from an occasional traveler that realized just before going thru security that he had his pocketknife in his pocket. There were people that realized they had fluids over 3 oz., but in almost all cases, the traveler would just throw those away instead of taking the time and paying for a bottle of VO 5 shampoo to be mailed home.
More thoughts on BCS's finale last night. I have read a lot of people's disappointment in the finale, mainly with how he walks away from the meeting with the new lawyers. As if this is the moment he "becomes Saul and embraces BAD" happens too quickly. I think that is over-simplistic. All he said was "I know why I did and it's never going to happen again". I think Jimmy had the epiphany when he touched Marco's ring while he was rehearsing how to pretend to talk with the high class lawyers for the "interview". Everything he did this season was for the approval of everyone else. He tried to be a good friend to Kim, a good brother to Chuck and a good lawyer for his clients. I think his comment is more about believing in himself and his talents more than trying to please others. He still will need episodes/seasons to become "Saul".
Let me fix that for you: "Today's dose of 'MURICA: see previous link."
I agree with you about Saul – the episode seemed a bit anticlimactic, given the raw emotion of the previous episode. But I'm going to give it another view – I think there is more there than what is readily apparent at first. Jimmy's entire career path takes a turn with his decision at the end of the episode, and we have learned (most of) why he became the lawyer that Saul was. Now for the long wait for season 2…
RE: Mailing Kiosk
Actually, this was attempted at DFW Airport, but failed miserably. The issue was where the kiosk was located and when people discovered/realized they had an item that would not pass security.
The kiosk was outside the first TSA checkpoint, the one where they check your boarding pass and license/passport. After that it is the plastic bins and conveyer for the x-ray machine and the body scanner for the individual. This is where unapproved items are found, but, you are already in a secured area with all your stuff spread out on the conveyer, so leaving the area to go back to the kiosk wasn't much of an option, plus TSA is hesitant to hand pocket knives back to travelers in a secured area. Logistically, this logical idea turned out to be impractical.
The end result was they made no money and the volume came from an occasional traveler that realized just before going thru security that he had his pocketknife in his pocket. There were people that realized they had fluids over 3 oz., but in almost all cases, the traveler would just throw those away instead of taking the time and paying for a bottle of VO 5 shampoo to be mailed home.
More thoughts on BCS's finale last night. I have read a lot of people's disappointment in the finale, mainly with how he walks away from the meeting with the new lawyers. As if this is the moment he "becomes Saul and embraces BAD" happens too quickly. I think that is over-simplistic. All he said was "I know why I did and it's never going to happen again". I think Jimmy had the epiphany when he touched Marco's ring while he was rehearsing how to pretend to talk with the high class lawyers for the "interview". Everything he did this season was for the approval of everyone else. He tried to be a good friend to Kim, a good brother to Chuck and a good lawyer for his clients. I think his comment is more about believing in himself and his talents more than trying to please others. He still will need episodes/seasons to become "Saul".