Interest Rate Connected With Your Fitness Activity

Alfa Activity: to earn money, you have to sweat from 42 Agency on Vimeo.

Alfa-Bank teamed up with 42 Agency to create Activity – a unique technology which allows everyone to earn money through their active lifestyle. Yes, we mean it: real money! The more you move, the more you earn!

All you need to do is follow these 3 simple steps:

First – Connect your activity tracker with your Alfa-Bank account.
Second – Sweat hard and often.
Third – Make your account healthier. Its that easy.

With every step you make, money will be transferred from your current bank account to a special savings account with a higher interest rate. By the way, there is no other possibility to access such a high interest rate. Literally.

Wanna be wealthy and stay healthy? Well, welcome to Alfa-Bank.

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