Two short videos that changed how I do everyday things

Terry Moore found out he’d been tying his shoes the wrong way his whole life. In the spirit of TED, he takes the stage to share a better way.

Dang those round nylon laces.

Hand Washing

This is where I learned that “twelve” is the largest number with one-syllable. I wasn’t all that concerned about the impact I had on the environment, it’s just sometimes I get stuck with a small paper towel and now I know how I can make the most of it.

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2 Responses to Two short videos that changed how I do everyday things

  1. Melissa says:

    well, look at me knowing how to tie my shoes the best way…HA…years ago when i was working at a waitress it drove me crazy my bows being crooked so i taught myself how to do it so they were straight…i did it for aesthetic reasons…but apparently my shoes stayed tied better two!

    i am anxious to try this hand drying dealio!

    you find the most interesting things.

  2. Stefanie says:

    Ha! Two of my favorite, as well. I use the advice all the time.

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