In Peter Pan you have to happy thoughts to fly. The one happy thought I’d hold on to is when I scored my only touchdown and got to celebrate with my closest friends and got to see my parents reaction in the stands.
I got a quote to a retaining wall and the contractor spelled “Geeding” as “Greeding”.
Man’s first flight was in 1903 and man stepped foot on the moon in 1969, that’s a span of just 63 years. The first iPhone isn’t even seven years old, and high definition television replaced the old tube rather quickly. Technology really does move fast, and sometimes I can’t wait to see what’s around the corner.
I wonder if my dogs have a favorite song or television show.
Last night Jon Stewart was poking fun at Louie CK for losing his domain name for a little bit, so I decided to check out and he doesn’t even own that, it belongs to another Jon Stewart who’s nice enough to put a link to ‘The Daily Show’.
Regarding the advances in technology from Kitty Hawk to the first man on the moon, my research staff found this:
"According to FlightGlobal (“Serious About Aviation”), the Apollo Guidance Computer, or AGC, had just 64KB of memory and only 0.043 MHz of processing power. That was enormous at the time, of course, but compare those specs with those of modern netbooks—the pint-sized laptops that are considered underpowered by today’s computing standards.
The typical netbook has over 100 GB of capacity – more than a million times that of the computer on which NASA staked an historic mission and the lives of three astronauts. And a netbook’s 1.6GHz processor is several thousand times faster than that of 1969’s AGC."
It's impossible for me to look at today's picture without hearing the theme from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" in my head.
Regarding the advances in technology from Kitty Hawk to the first man on the moon, my research staff found this:
"According to FlightGlobal (“Serious About Aviation”), the Apollo Guidance Computer, or AGC, had just 64KB of memory and only 0.043 MHz of processing power. That was enormous at the time, of course, but compare those specs with those of modern netbooks—the pint-sized laptops that are considered underpowered by today’s computing standards.
The typical netbook has over 100 GB of capacity – more than a million times that of the computer on which NASA staked an historic mission and the lives of three astronauts. And a netbook’s 1.6GHz processor is several thousand times faster than that of 1969’s AGC."
■I wonder if the best day of my life has already passed or is yet to come.
Keith, we've reached the point where both is true but regardless on balance life has started taking more than it gives.
Ariel Winter celebrated her 16th birthday this week.