British Humor
Football! — Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) January 31, 2014
Football! — Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) January 31, 2014
And yet I never knew the backstory and how Janet Jackson was originally scheduled to performed but backed out after 9/11. “All of a sudden,” says Hill, the entertainment world saw the value of the Super Bowl halftime show: “That … Continue reading
I remember watching Walter Payton’s post game interview wondering if he would be on top of the world or bummed he didn’t score a touchdown or have a better game in the Super Bowl. Despite being winning the title, he … Continue reading
This is the terrifying moment a skydiver was left plummeting 12,500ft to the ground after he was knocked out in a skydiving accident. James Lee, 25 was taking part in a jump in Wiltshire when just seconds after leaping from … Continue reading