I heard a pastor say the other day that when working on the church’s website there’s always that section “What We Believe” and they tinkered with the idea of just putting the Nicene Creed there. Here’s a short little history on that creed FWIW.
Per the Dallas Morning News‘ twitter feed – All but 3 NFC teams have made the Super Bowl since Cowboys last appeared.
Enough with all the Seattle Seahawk Richard Sherman talk, the guy didn’t even curse. I was more embarrassed as a Cowboys fan when they beat the Packers in 1996 at Texas Stadium. During the trophy presentation Terry Bradshaw was interviewing Michael Irvin who started to yell out curse words, I think one of them was even the f-bomb, but I can’t find the video on YouTube.
Somehow I ended up on the Larry Fine Wikiepedia entry. You know him better as Larry from the Three Stooges. This part of his Wiki page caught my attention: In early childhood, his arm was burned with acid that his father used to test whether or not gold was real: having mistaken it for a beverage, Larry had raised the acid bottle to his lips when his father noticed and knocked it from his hand, accidentally splashing Larry’s forearm. He was later given violin lessons to help strengthen the damaged muscles, a skill which would be put to use in many of the Stooges’ films. He became proficient on the instrument, and his parents wanted to send him to a European music conservatory, but the outbreak of World War I prevented this.
Politifact.com reaches the 500th fact-check on Obama – Of the 500 statements PolitiFact has checked on Obama, 22 percent have been rated True and another 24 percent Mostly True. On the inaccurate side, 12 percent of his statements have been rated Mostly False, 13 percent False and 2 percent Pants on Fire. In the middle, 27 percent of his statements have been rated Half True, which means they were partially accurate.
Loved the greatest sports villains, but they ranked them all wrong. Rachel Phelps deserves a much higher rank. She was in 2 films!
I think the Star Wars news was a hoax.