On Christmas Day our garbage and recycling service were running, which surprised me. On New Year’s Day the recycling service ran but not the garbage, which surprised me.
WifeGeeding tells me she loves my beard, but for Christmas she about me after shave lotion.
WifeGeeding wore her robe all morning but after wearing it after two hours a baby gecko surprised her by crawling out of her sleeve and he didn’t freak out whatsoever.
Since last night was the first time her Baylor Bears played in a BCS Bowl Game I bathed both kids and put them to bed, cleaned the bathroom, and also folded the laundry so her focus could be on the game.
Baylor had a great year and their fans should relish this season, but as I’ve been saying all along, they have been over-rated. They played high school caliber competition with a heavily loaded home schedule and ran up the score and people fell in love with point totals. But when they actually played decent teams they struggled, so it was no surprise to me that they lost the Fiesta Bowl as a 17-point favorite to a team ranked nine spots lower than them. Next year Baylor also starts the season against three powder puff teams.
The Art Briles to Texas rumors are starting back again. If he does leave Baylor to take the UT job it will make me sick to my stomach as I can’t stand the man, mainly from my high school days and a small personal negative encounter I had with him. On the other hand, it would be high comedy to see how the Baylor folks would react putting the guy on a pedestal and then burning him in effigy in a few weeks time. And of course it would be funny to see the UT zealots who didn’t like him then treat him as the second coming.
I watched two J.J. Abrams movies, Super 8 and Star Trek Into Darkness. My gosh, that guy loves to use the lens flare that it almost takes away from the film. If you are a fan of the Spielberg movies of the early 80’s you’ll love Super 8 as there are elements of E.T., Close Encounters, and The Goonies. As for Star Trek, it was much better than expected.
I’ve gotten WifeGeeding interesting in Sherlock and for that I’m happy.
Three kinds of reoccurring dreams over the past couple of months, and for some reason my parents are alive in the dreams:
I’m in my 30’s, perhaps current age, and have to go back to finish one more year at Hardin-Simmons University and live in the dorms. For some reason I can’t get back into the swing of things and always forget to go to my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and when I do remember, I can’t remember the name of the class or where it is located.
Once again I’m around the same age but have to go back to Mineral Wells High School for a full year at a newly built high school, but this time it’s my entire class that I graduated with in 1994. I’m worried about losing my job taking so much time off, get along somewhat with old teachers and friends, but have trouble getting back into the swing of things and uncomfortable with teachers who are younger than me.
It’s a few weeks before I’m about to get married but WifeGeeding wants to break it off. None of my friends have ever met WifeGeeding and have no idea what she looks like. On the day of the wedding I find someone to step in who isn’t remotely attractive and my friends grow suspicious and then I wake up.
After the ball drops in Times Square everyone kisses and sings “Auld Lang Syne” followed by Frank Sinatra’s “New York New York”. I wish Big D NYE would do some sort of modern remix of the theme song used in the “Dallas” television series, even if they just used the opening chords.
I read an article the other day in which the author stated his 20-something-year-old daughter never heard a busy signal. She heard one over the Christmas break holidays and thought her phone was broke.
Speaking of 20-something-year-females, Troy Aikman mentioned in a recent interview that one came up to him and asked if he was that guy that broadcasts football and had no idea he had a playing career.
The local news always has a story about the first baby of the year born in Dallas and Tarrant County. For many years both were Hispanic, but this year one was white and the other South Asian. The South Asian population has boomed in the area and I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes the norm.
WifeGeeding loves a clean house, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes she’ll start to reorganize things, and what I have a problem with is when she moves stuff and doesn’t tell me where I can find it, because most of the time she’s no where to be found when I’m looking for a recently moved item. We use to keep the vinegar in the kitchen, but now she considers it a cleaning supply and it was hiding in the laundry room.
A husband and wife have an interesting reading challenge. Both have very different reading tastes and always feel the other should read what they just finished, so for the next year they will select a book for their spouse to read and each will blog about it.
I'm going to disagree with you about Baylor being overrated. They just weren't ready to play. They had been told over and over that they were better, and that they should be offended to have to play UCF in the bowl game, and they didn't get ready.
I don't know how much the NCAA lets teams practice between the regular season and the bowl games, but I see a lot of teams who look mentally and physically unprepared to play. You won't know until the end of the first quarter whether a team is going to show up or not.
Baylor's many false start penalties showed they weren't mentally ready to play, and their defense looked slow and winded, like they weren't in shape.
Likewise, UT wasn't ready to play, nor were the Aggies, although the Aggies were able to turn things around at the half and make a comeback. Texas Tech was the only team from Texas that I watched that was mentally and physically ready for their bowl game. They were on fire. I've heard that UNT was ready, but I didn't watch that game.
I think you have to blame the coaches when a team doesn't show up, but it happens to very good coaches, like Mack Brown, Mike Leach, and Art Briles.
Growing up in the Midwest, we would send a Big Ten team to the Rose Bowl every year. The majority of the time we were disappointed when our teams under-performed. There was always this suspicion that the West Coast organizers made sure the Big Ten teams were overwhelmed with scheduled orientations, tours, activities, events and attractions so that they were not ready on game day.
Some of the this year's bowl teams, who were huge favorites, did not appear to be ready to play. I suspect some of them, however, were just too tight and found themselves in blow-outs before they were able to settle down.
I agree Baylor was overrated, but BCS loves point totals. Does anybody play defense in football anymore?
I heartily disagree about the Dallas theme. Please no… just, no.
BigD NYE is going downhill fast. The first couple of years weren't bad. It was largely unwatchable for me this year. They still haven't figured out how to time songs to fit into a segment. Dale Hansen and Pete Delkus are absolute trainwrecks as hosts. Painfully bad. I wonder if Gannett continues to produce the show. If so I predict a major makeover. Having said that, it was much better than any other local show. I thought Channel 11 was going to put on their own version, but it turned into a Teresa Frosini clip show.
I didn't watch too much of the BigDNYE event but the musical group I listened to was just miserable. Their sound system was uneven and they were doing little more than making jumbled noise. If they are going to promote this thing they should put someone else in charge of musical entertainment and bring in quality.
I'm going to disagree with you about Baylor being overrated. They just weren't ready to play. They had been told over and over that they were better, and that they should be offended to have to play UCF in the bowl game, and they didn't get ready.
I don't know how much the NCAA lets teams practice between the regular season and the bowl games, but I see a lot of teams who look mentally and physically unprepared to play. You won't know until the end of the first quarter whether a team is going to show up or not.
Baylor's many false start penalties showed they weren't mentally ready to play, and their defense looked slow and winded, like they weren't in shape.
Likewise, UT wasn't ready to play, nor were the Aggies, although the Aggies were able to turn things around at the half and make a comeback. Texas Tech was the only team from Texas that I watched that was mentally and physically ready for their bowl game. They were on fire. I've heard that UNT was ready, but I didn't watch that game.
I think you have to blame the coaches when a team doesn't show up, but it happens to very good coaches, like Mack Brown, Mike Leach, and Art Briles.
Growing up in the Midwest, we would send a Big Ten team to the Rose Bowl every year. The majority of the time we were disappointed when our teams under-performed. There was always this suspicion that the West Coast organizers made sure the Big Ten teams were overwhelmed with scheduled orientations, tours, activities, events and attractions so that they were not ready on game day.
Some of the this year's bowl teams, who were huge favorites, did not appear to be ready to play. I suspect some of them, however, were just too tight and found themselves in blow-outs before they were able to settle down.
Abilene had a set of twins born in 2013 and 2014 too! I thought for sure you'd have heard that!
I agree Baylor was overrated, but BCS loves point totals. Does anybody play defense in football anymore?
I heartily disagree about the Dallas theme. Please no… just, no.
BigD NYE is going downhill fast. The first couple of years weren't bad. It was largely unwatchable for me this year. They still haven't figured out how to time songs to fit into a segment. Dale Hansen and Pete Delkus are absolute trainwrecks as hosts. Painfully bad. I wonder if Gannett continues to produce the show. If so I predict a major makeover. Having said that, it was much better than any other local show. I thought Channel 11 was going to put on their own version, but it turned into a Teresa Frosini clip show.
I didn't watch too much of the BigDNYE event but the musical group I listened to was just miserable. Their sound system was uneven and they were doing little more than making jumbled noise. If they are going to promote this thing they should put someone else in charge of musical entertainment and bring in quality.
Have you watched Doctor Who? We are so hooked on that show.