At least it didn’t happen on Thanksgiving – Early yesterday morning WifeGeeding informed me that the garbage disposal wasn’t working. I hit the reset button on the bottom of it and thought I was in the the clear as it started up but nothing would drain, which resulted in a trip to Home Depot to rent a drain snake. Everything would have went well if the PVC pipe covering outside to the kitchen line didn’t break when I was unscrewing it. I was trying to gently unscrew that thing but the sun and weather made that thing pretty fragile.
The TICKET was reporting that the Cowboys will be wearing blue jerseys at home, is Jerry losing his mind? I know they often wear a throwback jersey on Thanksgiving but I’d really be surprised if they were wearing blue.
I guess we started Christmas early as we watched Rudolph last night.
Some of you asked via email if I ever blogged about my mother’s passing. Yup, here and here. I don’t really write like that anymore I don’t think.
My first Thanksgiving without my mother was when she took a trip to Vietnam. That one is easy to remember because that was when Miami played Dallas on that snowy Thanksgiving day and we all remember what Leon Lett did. But my favorite Thanksgiving memory is probably the second one without my mother, the one in which she died a week prior. We left the turkey on the table and forgot and one of us forgot to push our chair in. DogGeedingII took advantage of it and the next thing we know is we see him gorging with delight on a turkey about his size.
One of the crazier battles of WWII involved American soldiers, French prisoners, and German soldiers defending an Austrian castle against an SS division.
‘Person of Interest’ is getting better and better, I just wish it was on a cable network so they could get away with more stuff.
Rachel Held Evans brought up a few interesting questions regarding Obamacare and religious liberty. It’s stuff I thought about, but she’s able to write much better than me. For instance, if the owner a company can make decisions regarding the healthcare coverage of his/her employees based on religious conviction, what’s to keep an employer who is Jehovah’s Witness from refusing to cover blood transfusions? And if evangelicals want to prevent abortions, shouldn’t they embrace birth control which would help prevent unwanted pregnancies? I know some folks don’t think all birth control works the same way, and she lightly touches on the topic.
Someone had the idea that if you have very young children, you should DVR all the latest and greatest cartoons. When the kids get old enough to watch them, by that time, all the toys associated with that old cartoon will be on sale and they will think it’s the latest and greatest.
I watched the first episode of Netflix’s ‘Orange is the New Black’. It’s different and interesting enough for me to watch the next episode.
I enjoyed Orange is the New Black. After a couple of episodes I really got pulled into the story lines of the characters and I really enjoyed watching them develop. At it's core is some good storytelling. Stick with it – I think you'll like it.
With respect to Orange is the New Black, there was a lot of nudity and sex in the pilot that has not been repeated in later episodes. I think this was to hook the male views in. Still, it is a very good show.
My ex-wife use to Daniel Fast every year. She did it for spiritual reasons, not to loose weight. In fact, she would gain weight because she would drink a LOT of orange juice. Probably about 8 (8 oz) glasses per day. She craved it and could care less when I told her, "I think you only need an orange once a week or so, to prevent scurvy."
22 grams of sugar in one 8 ounce glass of orange juice, which is equal to approximately 2.25 oranges (Tropicana.)
Approximately 4 grams of sugar in one teaspoon or packet of sugar (Domino Sugar.)
She was ingesting 44 teaspoons of sugar per day, on the Daniel Fast.
I honestly don't think companies like Hobby Lobby really care about providing birth control. Did they search out insurance policies that covered everything except contraception? What about cases where it's medically necessary? (It happens) Do they sit back throw up their hands and declare "it's God's will"? I wonder if their car insurance PIP/liability coverage makes sure not to pay any medical procedures that are against their religious beliefs?
They just want to throw a big old snot slinging baby fit because of Obama. If a Republican healthcare bill had passed (see: Romney, Dole, anyone non-black) they wouldn't be having the same reaction. It's all theatrics.
Interesting debate in regards to Hobby Lobby. I would argue a lot of companies do choose not to cover blood transfusions to certain workers, as well as everything else (by not offering insurance) and it isn't really news. Shouldn't that be more controversial than one company not paying for birth control? Is free birth control really what 'insurance' is there for anyway? At some point it seems like insurance became something more akin to 'free or heavily discounted medical services' which explains in part why medical costs have been going through the roof.
All of this does raise a larger issue though of how silly it is that our health insurance is tied to a company. I think it would make much more sense for a company to give employees a stipend to go buy it on the open market. Eventually we will get there I think, but it takes time. It may take more examples like Hobby Lobby for people to realize this isn't a good way to do health insurance.
I enjoyed Orange is the New Black. After a couple of episodes I really got pulled into the story lines of the characters and I really enjoyed watching them develop. At it's core is some good storytelling. Stick with it – I think you'll like it.
With respect to Orange is the New Black, there was a lot of nudity and sex in the pilot that has not been repeated in later episodes. I think this was to hook the male views in. Still, it is a very good show.
My ex-wife use to Daniel Fast every year. She did it for spiritual reasons, not to loose weight. In fact, she would gain weight because she would drink a LOT of orange juice. Probably about 8 (8 oz) glasses per day. She craved it and could care less when I told her, "I think you only need an orange once a week or so, to prevent scurvy."
22 grams of sugar in one 8 ounce glass of orange juice, which is equal to approximately 2.25 oranges (Tropicana.)
Approximately 4 grams of sugar in one teaspoon or packet of sugar (Domino Sugar.)
She was ingesting 44 teaspoons of sugar per day, on the Daniel Fast.
I honestly don't think companies like Hobby Lobby really care about providing birth control. Did they search out insurance policies that covered everything except contraception? What about cases where it's medically necessary? (It happens) Do they sit back throw up their hands and declare "it's God's will"? I wonder if their car insurance PIP/liability coverage makes sure not to pay any medical procedures that are against their religious beliefs?
They just want to throw a big old snot slinging baby fit because of Obama. If a Republican healthcare bill had passed (see: Romney, Dole, anyone non-black) they wouldn't be having the same reaction. It's all theatrics.
Interesting debate in regards to Hobby Lobby. I would argue a lot of companies do choose not to cover blood transfusions to certain workers, as well as everything else (by not offering insurance) and it isn't really news. Shouldn't that be more controversial than one company not paying for birth control? Is free birth control really what 'insurance' is there for anyway? At some point it seems like insurance became something more akin to 'free or heavily discounted medical services' which explains in part why medical costs have been going through the roof.
All of this does raise a larger issue though of how silly it is that our health insurance is tied to a company. I think it would make much more sense for a company to give employees a stipend to go buy it on the open market. Eventually we will get there I think, but it takes time. It may take more examples like Hobby Lobby for people to realize this isn't a good way to do health insurance.