- When trying to come up with an equivalent to Jean Stapleton’s character in ‘All in the Family’ regarding to what’s on television today, I realized that not only is there no equivalent to that show, but there’s not equivalent to her. I guess that’s pretty high compliment.
- “He would never put himself in danger.” That’s an odd quote to say about someone who made a living at being a storm chaser.
- I was watching a ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ segment on Dwight Gooden yesterday. I didn’t know that when he threw his no-hitter his dad was going to have heart surgery that day. After the game, he gave the game ball to his father, who shortly died after the surgery. So the last game he ever saw his son play was a no-hitter. Gooden choked up a bit telling that story.
- There was also a segment about some negative actions, which is buried in history, taken by U.S. servicemen after the liberation of France after D-Day. It was about how after all that time in war and separated from women, many French women were raped by the liberating soldiers. It appears the GIs had a preconception of France as a gigantic brothel, which they were barred from entering. General Patton even supported lifting the ban saying “It is futile to attempt to go against human nature.” General Charles Gerhardt added that his troops “had been in combat for a hell of a while” and that “certain facts must be faced in this business” and supported opening a bordello near camp.
- Another quote from that segment that stood out, “There’s 60 million people who die in World War II. It’s a death every three seconds for six years.”
- In the past I’ve complained how the UIL started to allow more teams into playoffs, stating they are diluting the meaning of what it means to be a playoff team and those bottom tier teams won’t advance. Well, on Saturday the Lewisville softball team won the 5A district title despite coming in fourth in their district. That’s impressive.
- I hear the Southern Baptist Convention plans on making a stand and pulling out any involvement with the Boy Scouts since they will now allow homosexual members. I don’t think the SBC should embrace homosexual Boy Scouts if that’s something they have conviction about, but why leave the people or waste the opportunity to miss out on being able to engage with the people you most want to witness or convert? Didn’t Jesus take the opportunity to engage with people that didn’t live up to the mark? I guess it’s more important to send the message that you are either with us or against us, or “you don’t live up to our standards” so we’d rather go on with life without you. It would be nice to see the church stop taking stands and just love thy neighbor.
- The latest hearse from Cadillac looks sleek – pdf
- How Tiger Wood’s swing has changed since he was three
- Superformula to Fight Children’s Cancer – Turn chemo into DC Comics Superhero Superformula – YouTube
- At least they included her dogs – Queen’s new portrait dubbed ‘hideous,’ ‘like a bloke wearing a wig’
- 2.4 million a year, all done by hand – The average baseball is only used for a few pitches in the U.S. Major Leagues, but for the Costa Ricans who make them each ball is the result of hours of painstaking stitching by hand
- Mapping The Movement Of Every Ball In A Tennis Match [Infographic]
- Michael Douglas: oral sex caused my cancerMitt Romney Inc: The White House That Never Was – A 138-page report detailing, a lot in Poweroint, how the Romney team prepared for a transition of administrations and making government more into a business, which was a surprisingly interesting read.
- The real life Peggy Olson
- ‘Mad Men’ thoughts”
- We usually watch the show about 20 minutes after nine so we can fast forward through the commercials, but I refuse to zip past the opening credits for some reason. I guess it just gets me in the mood and the right mind frame.
- They did need to get a handle on that name situation, but I thought they could have came up with something better that Sterling Cooper and Partners.
- “Our biggest challenge is not to get syphilis.”
- “Why are you always down here, go back upstairs!”
- Joan reeling in a client? It was interesting to see her go into someone’s office for advice, and nice seeing Peggy having her back.
- Don, Roger, and Harry were riding in a red Mustang but they are GM clients?
- Don was drinking Schlitz? That’s not like him, where’s the hard stuff? It was also funny seeming him and Roger drink milk, or Instant Breakfast.
- “You should hang up, this is costing us a fortune.” Yup, there was a time when people paid for long distance phone calls.
- Bob Benson listening to that record on how to sell tells me he’s not a spy, but I was kind of wishing for that storyline.
- “Tell me the truth, are you a homo?”
- Roger was laying it on a bit too thick with the short jokes, and he had that punch down low coming. It’s probably what he needed more than another LSD trip.
- There’s an extra nipple here for when you come back.”
- I prefer Drunk Don over High Don.
- “Dying does’t make you whole.”
- I’m surprised Don, while in California, didn’t find time to escape and visit his, well, the real Don Draper’s wife’s grave and do other related things.
- “If you don’t like it, maybe it’s time to get out of the business.”
- Another death connection, Don almost drowned and we see a dead soldier. Part of me thinks Megan is going to reveal that she had an abortion.
- Pete is such that tattletale, waiting for Don at his desk is like waiting outside for mom and dad to get home to rat out a sibling. It wouldn’t surprise me to see a Pete exit this season.
I took my 5-yr-old son golfing on a real course for the first time this weekend. The Tiger Woods .gif is awesome, but leaves me wondering how quickly I'll be looking back at this past weekend with fond memories because my boy is all grown up. Too soon, I suspect.
Mad Men: I am 100% with you about watch the opening title sequence. I watch it time-delayed on DVR, and I never skip the title sequence. Something about that music is mesmerizing. Also, I like to see who wrote and who directed the episode.
"Dying doesn't make you whole. You should see what you look like." That second part was chilling – could Matt Weiner be pulling a horrible gag on us and the series finale reveal that Dick Whitman died in Korea and the whole series was his dying thoughts? Ugh, that would suck.
I know Roger didn't like the guy, but he was laying it on pretty thick especially since he was there trolling for new clients. I thought the soldier was Don 1? I was expecting Don and Roger to get sick drinking the Instant Breakfast. Milk on a hangover belly = not good.
I was surprised they used the wrong year model of Mustang. Hertz would have had the '68 in it's fleet, not a '65. That's a pretty big continuity error.
I do the same thing with the opening credits. The theme song is almost hypnotic. Speaking of credits, did anyone notice Roger (John Slattery) directed that episode?
I did notice that John Slattery directed that episode – it's actually the second he directed this season. Jon Hamm directed an episode earlier this season, too. I wonder how much they get paid for pulling double duty?