I got a remove link request

This was in my Inbox today . . .

I’m not sure anyone can seek legal action against someone for simply linking to a website.  Any of you have any thoughts?

Offhand, I can’t remember ever linking to such a website, but sure enough, I made a blog post about it FIVE years ago.

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2 Responses to I got a remove link request

  1. Nathan S. says:

    They probably can sue. They most definitely won't win.
    http://www.seroundtable.com/archives/016045.html http://www.seroundtable.com/linkage-lawsuit-15131

    Maybe you can earn some cash out of the deal?

    • Nathan S. says:

      I wasn't clear enough. There's absolutely no way they would actually go through with legal action because they know they would be decimated in court; their claim has no legal backing.

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