While watching Olympic diving last night, I was reminded how Barcelona handed the event by holding it outside where you could see the beautiful backdrop of the city.
Unable to sleep the other night I was listening to a podcast about the 1900, or second, modern Olympic games. Crazy thing, the games opened on May 14 and closed on October 28. Oh, and their medals were square.
In case you were wondering, the first Olympic games in 1896 only lasted nine days in April, but the 1908 games lasted from April to October. The games were once again shorted in 1912 taking place from July 6-22. In 1916 the games were suppose to be held in Berlin but were cancelled due to World War I, but once again the games were nice and long again in 1920. Other than the other Olympics being cancelled due to war, the games have been only several weeks long since 1928.
Justice Scalia has an interesting Second Amendment thought: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Sunday said that even “handheld rocket launchers” could be considered legal under his interpretation of the Constitution’s Second Amendment.
Events that should be considered – if ping pong is a table version of tennis, why not host air hockey and foosball as well?