Here’s a story that will rattle the nerves of some of the local folk – The “White Rock Marathon” will now be called the”Metro PCS Dallas Marathon” and the route will no longer begin and end at Fair Park. I understanding the reason for the name change, it becomes more recognized as a Dallas event and the sponsorship adds big bucks, but it just now it seems a bit cheapened.
If I had to guess who was the highest paid CEO in DFW, I’d say it would be the one running Exxon/Mobile, but I’d be wrong.
I took GirlGeeding for her first bicycle ride yesterday using one of these things. At first she appeared to be pretty scared, but I think she later started to like it after a while. I just wish WifeGeeding would have remembered to get the camera to capture this father-daughter first.
My neighborhood has way too many hills for bike riding, but there are a few flat stretches.
I took her out to find a bicycle helmet and she navigated to the Barbie ones since they were pink . . . thankfully there were other pink helmets to choose from.
The CBS Evening News had a very interesting visual of the line of climbers trying to make their way to the top of Mount Everest. I always imagined it as a desolate trek but it’s quite crowded. I also thought this night time picture was interesting as it shows the lights from the headlamps of all the climbers. You can check out the video report here if you are interested.