I guess it’s safe to say that Maria Shriver was never an investigative journalist.
I can’t take credit for that line, it goes to a good friend of mine.
For you sports fans out there, a new ESPN book about all the drama at the network will be released soon. Here’s an article about it, and here’s an excerpt from GQ.
For you Sprint users that really want an iPhone, that might just happen this year. And here’s an interesting article on how Apple keeps things so secret.
Even though I work very close to 635 and I know there will be five years worth of construction goin on in the area, I didn’t really pay attention to any details of the overall project other than knowing there will be optional toll lanes. But after reading this article, this sentence makes me wonder if my toll tag work when the project is completed, “Private investors will control the project for 52 years, maintain all of its lanes and collect tolls on the optional paid lanes that will be several times higher than those charged by the North Texas Tollway Authority.”
I was also surprised that the animation for the completed project shows so much traffic congestion. It’s like they are trying to say that the reason for the project is to create more congestion.
This is the second pilot episode for The Family Guy. The voices are the same, but the plot and characters sure are different.
Franklin Graham is embarrassing his father – That title is a harsh, and I don’t think Billy would ever tell his children he would be embarrassed by them, but I could be wrong. But Franklin certainly doesn’t act with the kind of compassion and grace that his father did when he was on the world’s stage. He is one thing for sure, judgmental.
Like the pic! Any info on it?