I wonder if pastors sometimes have trouble deciding on what issues they need to take a firm stand on and what areas they feel where it’s perfectly acceptable to agree to disagree and know that neither person is going straight to hell for thinking so. You know, stuff like the creation story, politics, Letterman and Leno.
Speaking of Letterman, last night he had 10 Sports Illustrated swimsuit models on his show and none knew who were going to be on the cover of the swimsuit issue which was going to be revealed on a billboard outside. It was nice to actually see the reaction of the model as the cover came off that billboard.
I wonder how do you put up a billboard and cover it without anyone seeing what you are putting up.
I really thought that future Half-Asian Hall of Famer Christine Teigen was going to make the cover because she was paraded up and down radio row during the Super Bowl. It seems like the last two or three that was paraded down radio row during Super Bowl week got the cover.
Is it possible to include a curse word in the title of a Christian book? Maybe (Amazon.com) , but I have no idea if it’s really a Christian book or not. Either way, read with discernment.
I bet BibleScholarGeorge got a kick out of that last line.
Does the budget have to be printed anymore? Really, who’s going to take the time to flip through that whole thing. Just stick it online somewhere.
I didn’t watch the local news yesterday for the first time in a very long time, but I’m certain there were still segments on those Super Bowl seats. Speaking of which, here’s a pretty scathing review on Peter King’s MMQB on how fans were treated at the Super Bowl, just scroll to the bottom. I almost doubt we’ll get another Super Bowl, and I would be happy with that.
" At this moment, I’m craving BBQ", I take it that this means your cholesterol numbers from the doctor's visit were really good or so terrible that a little BBQ won't matter.
" Does the budget have to be printed anymore? " I thought the same thing when I saw those massive budget books loaded on pallets and then listened to the related news story that described Obama's budget as "dead on arrival"
" At this moment, I’m craving BBQ", I take it that this means your cholesterol numbers from the doctor's visit were really good or so terrible that a little BBQ won't matter.
" Does the budget have to be printed anymore? " I thought the same thing when I saw those massive budget books loaded on pallets and then listened to the related news story that described Obama's budget as "dead on arrival"
When you are pooping or when the dog is pooping? 🙂