Daily Archives: 30 December 30, 2010
From the Journal of Cross-Cultual Psychology
It was just another typical night in the Geeding household, me reading the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology after dinner, smoking a pipe in my smoking jacket as WifeGeeding fixes me another martini, when I ran across this article. Attractiveness of … Continue reading
Those Hyundai Singers
I’m tired of Christmas commercials like all get out, but I do appreciate the singing that goes on in this Hyundai commercial. It turns out this group is named Pomplamoose and they have a YouTube channel with plenty of songs. … Continue reading
Give It Back For Jobs
Americans who have the means should collectively give back our Bush tax cuts by making donations to organizations that promote fairness, economic growth, and a vibrant middle class. Such joint action, by all visitors to this site, will begin to … Continue reading